Chronic insomnia just needs to eat 5 sweet-cool soup into this, definitely sleep well until morning

Duck soup with green pumpkin


- Duck cleaned, cut the piece to taste.

- Then put the duck in a pot with a cloth bag containing the gods, monasteries and water.

- Please boil for about 20 minutes, then give the green pumpkin sliced.

- Continue boiling until duck, ripe pumpkin is good.

Lotus seed ribs

Ingredients: Ribs, lotus seeds, young corn, carrots, broccoli, dried mushrooms, onions, cilantro, spices. Boiled ribs are washed and then marinated with salt, pepper and seasoning seeds.

Shiitake soaked in hot water for hatching. Double cut if big, remove legs. Young baby corns. Carrots cut flowers 0.5cm thick pieces of green onion, cilantro 2cm long. Fresh lotus seeds washed. Clean cauliflower, cut into bite pieces Boil 1.2 liters of water.

Add the chops to cook for 20 minutes. Remove foam if available. Add lotus seeds, shiitake mushrooms, sweet corn and add 1 tablespoon of fish sauce, spices to taste, cook for another 10 minutes. Add carrots, broccoli (young corn) for 2 minutes for cilantro to turn off the stove. Ladle out bowl, decorate, eat hot.

Vegetable soup with perch


Perch, vegetables, okra, tomatoes, tamarind, braised vegetables, chili, garlic, cooking oil, spices. Vegetables are picked up, washed, cut and cleaned. Catch the pot on the stove, add the cooking oil and stir-fry the copper. Pour water into the boiling pot and let the vegetables withdraw.

Pour me into the bowl, add hot water and decant the juice. Pour the tamarind juice into the pot, add the tomatoes to the boil, remove the foam, and taste it.

Heavenly flower soup cooked crab


- Crabs uncoiled to separate, remove bibs, wash, drain, put into mortar, crush finely.

- Filter crab juice, remove residue. Take the brick part of the crab shell and marinate with the seasoning seeds. Thien Ly is washed and drained.

- Next, you just put the filtered water into the pot with a little fish sauce and then boiled with medium heat.

- When the crab water boils, put the crab bricks in and turn down the heat.

- Heat for about 5 minutes to make bricks and crabs turn into cakes. After that, she gave the natural flower to the pot and cooked it. Season with spices and seasonings to taste.

Soup of pork, sea oyster


- Washed pork into pieces, put in the pot with the oyster.

- Add enough water and cook soup.

- When the meat is cooked, the sisters give a medium spice
