Dishwasher shelter the deadly bacteria

Recent research shows that 62% of dishwasher appliances in 6 continents and North America contains bacteria blood infections causing mold.

From 2012, the meningitis outbreak caused by steroid fat contaminated with mold, the risk of fungal infections is increasingly becoming a concern for public health.

In a study on the new medicine was announced, and another study on biology in 2011, scientists have tested samples from a dishwasher family in Europe, Asia, Middle East, Africa, Australia, North and South America. The results showed that high temperature, alkaline, wet environment in a dishwasher where developed for some type of toxic mold.

According to the scientists, inside this equipment-hot and humid environment, combined with alkaline water (dissolve from the chemical Park)-is the ideal breeding conditions for the fungus can cause deadly diseases.

Scientists from many countries were studying the 189 dishwasher in 101 different families around the world. They found 62% of dishwasher containing fungi on rubber bands in the door of the machine. More than half of the black yeasts Exophiala dermatitidis is name and e. phaeomuriformis-known as the fungus is very dangerous for human health.

Dishwasher: blood infection-causing bacteria drive

Scientists have found some kind of mold popular as: Exophiala (black mold), Rhodotorula SP. (red mold) and Candida parasilosis (white mold).

According to research by 2011, "62% of the dishwasher for the positive result with mold and 56% of the fungal parasite Exophila machine." Exophiala dermatitidis and Exophiala black mold phaeomuriformis appears most in the dishwasher.

Fungi are organisms about the startups born, produced by microscopic parasite spores in the air. The person inhaling the spores of this micro into the lungs, causing infections and are very difficult to treat.

Black yeast is particularly dangerous for people with cystic fibrosis, the most is when they attack the lungs. They can also cause infection leading to death for healthy people.

The fungi can withstand heat, high salt concentrations, strong detergents and acid and alkaline water. This explains why this fungus still exists when at high temperatures, from 60 to 80 degrees C, and despite being cleaned by the salt and detergent in the dishwasher.

In particular, adults and children taking antibiotics, as well as the cases have weakened immune system so ease infected mushroom in the lungs and on the skin. Fungi Exophiala often cause cystic fibrosis lungs for sick people. Also diabetics prone to Tinea, which causes dry skin and itching rashes.

Both Rhodotorula SP. and Canadida are all is hot issue in hospitals have patients suffering acute catheters, blood infection-causing dangers make them extremely painful, especially in the special care facilities.

According to the Center for disease control and Prevention (CDC), Candida is the fourth common cause disease in hospitals of America.

Modern households is the ideal environment for fungi to arise, especially in damp places like bathrooms, fridge and dishwasher. However, a dishwasher is the perfect places to live most of the mushrooms.

The fungus can survive anywhere and under the inclement conditions as cold environments, where there are high salt concentrations, toxic cleaners and high-temperature environment, shows remarkable resistant. According to the researchers, the rubber gaskets in the door of the dishwasher is the perfect place for black mold types thermophiles grow. Black mold also reproduce in the environment has a high salt concentration, this component was found in SOAP dishwasher has the effect of reducing the accumulation of calcium.=
