Do not rabble cooked with chicken with these foods to pick up the disease for the whole family, unpredictable harm

Although chicken is the most popular dish in every family's daily meal. But be careful, avoid combining chicken with the following foods:

Cabbage chicken meat

According to Oriental medicine, chicken is sweet, non-toxic and nutritious. A complementary food for spleen, qi, blood and kidney. In particular, chicken meat has a high effect on people with long-term illness, stomach is welding, weakness, ability to absorb poor food.

Also in Oriental medicine, green mustard is temperate, spicy, warms the stomach and stimulates digestion, has the effect of resolving colds, sputum, gums . Also because of the bitter taste, people often call Bitter cabbage is also known as green cabbage.

Although both chicken and vegetables have a great effect on human health, however, the chicken is temperate, and the cabbage is temperate, so when used together, the temperament (warm) will increase causing heat to the body.

Diet chicken with salt and sesame

Sesame salt is the spice you should not use with chicken. The reason is that the chicken belongs to the carpentry, if eaten with sesame salt, aromatic herbs all come to courage but produce dizziness, trembling all over.

In the event of this situation caused by eating chicken and sesame salt, immediately drink a cup of licorice juice to reduce the above symptoms.

Diet chicken meat with garlic and onions

Dieting chicken meat is served with garlic and raw onions because of its sweet orange, garlic and onion heat. When combining these materials together will cause internal heat, producing dysentery.

Diet chicken with dog meat

Dieting chicken and dog meat because of orange, dog meat, dog liver is also a great heat. Eat two things that are produced by heat. If you do, drink licorice juice will go away.

Avoid eating chicken with sticky rice

Dieting chicken with sticky rice because chicken is eaten with sticky rice will produce the same octopus (folk called tapeworm, tapeworm). The cure for sticky rice balls to burn will be cured.

People need to limit eating chicken

1. People with cirrhosis

People with cirrhosis should avoid certain foods that are more likely to get sick, typically chicken. Because this is a hot food, it will help lower the temperature, make the liver less severe, the condition will turn bad.

2. People with arthritis

Osteoarthritis is an increasingly common disease. The main treatment is still using anti-inflammatory drugs. Besides, diet and exercise also contribute to promoting the treatment process more effectively.

3. People with digestive problems

Chicken has a lot of nutrients but people have digestive problems so they should stay away from this food. By eating too much chicken very hard to digest. Even normal people who consume excessive chicken also cause the digestive apparatus to take hours to work, both irritating the body. People with digestive problems should avoid eating chicken because they are not digestive beneficial.
