Do not waste money still helps healthy liver, CLEAN all toxins by applying 4 simple exercises at this home

Plow posture: Stimulating liver function

This body stretching motion stimulates the liver to work better by making your body work and facilitating circulation. This action also helps the liver to better utilize the nutrients in the food you eat during the day.

How to do the gesture:

Lie on your back and place your arms along your body, your palms facing down.

Raise your legs keep them straight.

Slowly raise your leg over your head until the foot touches the floor behind your shoulder.

Hold this position for a minute and then slowly bring your foot back to the starting position.

Sitting posture twisted: Improving blood circulation

Body twisting movements require a good effort to help circulate and supplement oxygen better for the liver. The agency will receive an energy boost and will carry the transport and supply of nutrients that you consume to the areas you need.

How to do the gesture:

Sitting on a soft surface (carpet, bed) but sure, the legs sit cross-legged and their backs are straight.

Place your right hand on the left knee, left hand on the floor behind your back while turning to the right.

Maintain this position for 30 seconds. Then twist and perform the same move to the opposite side.

Repeat 5 times on each side.

Posture of twisted legs and spine: Increase the supply of oxygen to the liver.

This exercise will put a little pressure on your liver, it will act as a massage and provide oxygen to the liver, helping the liver to become healthy.

How to do the gesture:

Sitting on a soft, but firm surface, legs crossed. Hold your back straight.

Lift your left leg and bend, and place your foot next to your right knee. You will feel that this movement creates little pressure on the liver.

Place your right hand on your left foot, facing out.

Place your left hand on the floor behind your back while facing back.

Maintain this position for 30 seconds. Then twist and perform the same action on the opposite side.

Repeat 5 times on each side.

Posture of hunching: Relaxing the stomach, making the liver healthier

Back-to-back posture to lift your head will help relax your middle body, like exercise for internal organs, including liver organs.

By doing some daily abdominal muscle exercises, you will simultaneously enhance the liver's functioning, enhance the liver's ability to circulate to other areas and make the liver more resistant to stretching. straight everyday. During stressful days, the liver can still do its job well.

How to do the gesture:

Lie on a soft surface, but firmly, slightly bend your right knee and place your left foot on the knee area.

Raise your hand and fold your right arm, placing your right palm on your ear. Continue lifting your body, bringing your body forward, slightly to the right, while affecting your abdominal muscles. Hold this position for 2 seconds.

Slowly return to the starting position and completely relax the abdomen. Rest for 5 seconds while breathing deeply.

Repeat 20 times on each side.

The type of food needed to keep the liver healthy

Garlic: Rich in selenium, garlic helps enhance the antioxidant and detoxifying effects of the liver. In addition, garlic also contains arginine, an amino acid that relaxes blood vessels and lowers blood pressure in the liver. Besides, vitamin B6 also has anti-inflammatory, vitamin C protection against the oxidation and damage of cells.

Olive oil: This organic oil is good for the liver, when used in moderation. They help the body by providing a quantity of lipids that can attract toxic substances in the body. In addition, olive oil contains good fat, reduces bad cholesterol levels, helps the liver to be healthy.

Green Tea: Green tea is rich in antioxidants, especially catechine, which is an organic flavonoid, which helps to remove toxins from the liver and keep the liver healthy. Scientists say that because of these compounds, green tea helps protect the body from different types of cancer. Drinking 2-3 cups of green tea every day will be effective.

Grapefruit: Not only rich in vitamin C, grapefruit also contains glutathione, which increases the natural cleansing process of the liver. This nutrient is also involved in the production and restoration of tissues and immune systems. A small glass of grapefruit juice stimulates the production of enzymes that detoxify the liver, helping to eliminate carcinogens.
