Do this before you go to bed, and you'll see the difference the next morning

1. Drink a glass of warm water

A glass of warm water about 30 minutes before bed helps purify the body, providing moisture to the skin. Thanks to that, you will wake up and have a more vibrant skin the next morning. In addition, this way is even more effective if you are in the process of losing weight.

2. Stay away from electronics

Using a phone, computer, or watching television right before going to bed can make you sleepless. In particular, blue light from the phone also interferes with the production of the hormone melatonin - the hormone needed for sleep. Not only that, this habit also causes eye damage, reducing vision as well.

3. Go to bed early and get enough time

The necessary amount of sleep for adults is 7-8 hours a day. You should not go to bed too late because this will affect the cell regeneration process as well as the recovery of internal organs. We should go to bed before 9-10pm is best.

4. Exercise gently before bed

Everyone knows that sweating can help you lose weight fast, but most people think that exercising too close to bedtime can make it difficult to sleep. But the fact is, sedentary people have a 56-57% better night's sleep at night compared to those who are inactive, no matter what time of the day they exercise. Exercise will help your body accelerate metabolism, digestion easily and help you have a deep sleep.

5. Reduce room temperature

According to a study on sleep and weight loss by the National Institute of Health Clinical Center, in the summer, people who sleep at room temperature from 19 degrees Celsius can burn up to 7% more calories than those who sleep. in a room of 23 degrees Celsius. 7% may not be a big number but it also contributes to your weight improvement.

So, before you go to bed, reduce the temperature in the room by turning on the air conditioner to cool the air, or you can open the bedroom window, using a nebulizer to help the room become more open, heat. degrees down.
