Drink 1 cup of pineapple juice every day you will immediately see unexpected benefits, very few people know

1. Pineapple juice contains vitamin A and beta-carotene for your eyesight. If you drink pineapple juice daily, you can prevent eye problems when you get older.

2. One study showed that bromelain has a lot in pineapples that can prevent some types of cancer.

3. Pineapple juice supports digestion. The bromelain in pineapple is known as a proteolytic enzyme that supports digestion.

4. Also, because it contains fiber and antioxidants, your body will get rid of toxins easily.

5. Pineapple juice can also clean the parasites in your gut and liver. It also has a deworming effect.

6. Pineapple juice also has certain characteristics that can prevent dental plaque and keep teeth clean.

7. Iodine and bromelain in pineapples are good at preventing thyroid related problems.

8. The best thing about pineapple juice is that it minimizes inflammation in your body and prevents other health problems.

How to eat pineapple to help lose weight?

If you like to eat pineapple and want to lose weight, then apply Mono diet - diet with pineapple for 5 days. For best results, you should only use fresh, not canned pineapples.

Breakfast: 2-3 slices of pineapple, 1 cup of low-fat yogurt, oatmeal.

Snack: 1 cup of pineapple juice, 1 slice of grilled rye bread, 1 boiled egg.

Lunch: A simple bowl of soup with your favorite vegetables, grilled fish or chicken

Snack: 1 cup of pineapple juice, low-fat pineapple yogurt (or even better - you can only combine some chopped pineapple with yogurt).

Dinner: Chicken and pineapple, lettuce.

Besides, in addition to pineapple juice, you can drink water and sugar-free tea, such as green tea to support your weight loss efforts.
