Drinking water in this way is poisoning yourself, many people suffer

Drink too much water

Many people think that drinking lots of water will be beneficial for your health and good for your skin. But this is a wrong way of thinking.

Drinking too much water will increase the burden on the kidneys, making the sodium ions in the body easier to be released, water in the body is easier to penetrate into the cell than causing water poisoning. Severe cases can be life-threatening.

Not drinking enough water

Wait until thirst to think of drinking water then the body is "screaming" in a state of dehydration already. The consequence of not drinking enough water is not simply a feeling of thirst, but it also makes the body unable to metabolize the "waste" in the body so it is easy to cause damage to internal organs.

Drinking less water can also lead to high urine levels, which can make you more susceptible to kidney stones, kidney infections.

Drink before going to sleep

According to experts, drinking water before going to bed will cause your kidneys to work at night more slowly than during the day, causing a lot of night urination, interrupting your sleep. Some cases even show swelling of the face, hands and feet when drinking water before going to bed.

Drink with meals

According to experts, you should not drink water while eating meals because this is a harmful activity for health, because drinking water at this time will reduce the process of salivation, causing the digestion of food in the body. become more difficult.

So how to drink and how much is best to drink?

1. Drink a sufficient amount

Drinking water is like eating rice, should not be too much or too little, drinking just enough is best. So how to calculate just enough?

According to scientific research, the daily water demand in adults is 2,500ml. The amount of water collected from food is about 1,000ml so our daily water intake should be maintained at 1,500ml.

2. Drink filtered water

Do not use fresh water to replace filtered water. Filtered water has no taste but it is the best drink for health.
