Eastern medicine for this is the first vegetable to add blood, longevity, rich calcium: A good hand to improve health, not to eat anything

Special nutritional value of amaranth

Amaranth has many types, and many colors, among them, amaranth with purple or red or green leaves is quite common.

In Eastern medicine documents discussing the effect of amaranth, the doctors often emphasize that amaranth with purple leaves and red leaves are effective for human health at the most outstanding level.

Research shows that amaranth contains nutrients such as protein, fat, inorganic salts, sugar, crude fiber and multivitamins.

Leaves and seeds of amaranth contain high lysine concentrations, which can supplement amino acid defects in cereals.

Most praiseworthy is the calcium content of amaranth as high as 200 mg / 100 g, and the calcium content of red or purple amaranth can be as high as 400 mg / 100 g, 2 to 3 times higher than spinach.

Amaranth contains more than 3 mg / 100 g of iron, which is also a good iron supplement among many vegetables.

Nutrients in red spinach are considered indispensable to maintain the normal physiological function of the human body. They are very beneficial for adolescent growth and development and the health and longevity of the elderly. Therefore, in the concept of Oriental medicine, red amaranth is also called Vegetable tonic and vegetable of longevity.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that amaranth tastes sweet and cool, non-toxic, can add gas, remove heat, eliminate inflammation and clear phlegm, has a great effect on heating and detoxifying, improving Good diarrhea and digestive support.

Amaranth seeds are very hard, sweet, cool and non-toxic. Can clean the liver and improve eyesight, help urinate convenient and smoothly.

Note: Amaranth is cool, so people with colds, people with digestive problems, spleen and poor stools should not eat much.

Benefits of amaranth for health

In addition to cooling the liver, this heat is also known as a medicine to cure many diseases.

1. Good for bones and joints

Amaranth contains many minerals that are good for health, especially the high content of calcium in vegetables and few vegetables. Statistically, amaranth has three times as much calcium as spinach and twice as much as milk.

Therefore, this vegetable is one of the superfoods, which enhances bone hardness to reduce the risk of osteoporosis and calcium-deficiency seizures.

2. Reduce inflammation

Recent studies show that amaranth contains a certain peptide chain, which is able to reduce inflammation in the body, and even help prevent free radicals from attacking healthy cells.

Anti-inflammatory molecules present in this vegetable can also help relieve symptoms of arthritis, gout and other inflammation-related problems.

3. Good for diabetes

Studies have shown that eating amaranth regularly will help stabilize blood sugar, which is great for patients with type 2 diabetes. Amaranth also helps reduce the risk of diseases related to increased sugar levels. blood like obesity.

4. Preventing dental problems

Amaranth is an effective remedy to reduce oral complications such as pain, swelling, gingivitis or mouth ulcers.

5. Prevent cardiovascular disease

Amaranth also has the ability to lower cholesterol levels in the body. In addition, tocotrienol - a vitamin E found in this vegetable also helps eliminate bad cholesterol and prevent coronary artery disease.

6. Improve anemia

The lack of iron in the body can cause anemia. The abundance of iron in amaranth plays a role in increasing the amount of hemoglobin and red blood cells, which is very beneficial for patients with anemia.

7. Improve the digestive system

High fiber content (3 times higher than wheat) in amaranth can improve the digestive system and prevent constipation. This is also a very good vegetable for children and the elderly. Water made from fresh amaranth leaves also helps treat diarrhea, hemorrhage and dehydration.

In addition, along with carrot juice, the cleansing features of beetroot juice are very effective in treating gallbladder and kidney related diseases.

8. Prevent cancer

Amaranth contains an amino acid called lysine and minerals like potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and iron and vitamins C and E help prevent free radicals that cause aging and lead to the formation of cancer cells.

Nutritious dishes are easy to prepare from spinach and beetroot

1. Amaranth soup

Amaranth is a summer vegetable, has a cooling effect on the liver, cleanses heat, cure dizziness, and shrimp is a food that is easy to prepare, combined together to make the soup more sweet and cool .

2. Stir-fried spinach with garlic

Usually for spinach, your home often boils and takes water to squeeze a piece of lemon into a soup, isn't it? So try changing to fried garlic spinach try it! You can find out more about how to make beets delicious and nutritious.

3. Beetroot soup

Natural sweetness from beetroot is cooked with cabbage, lean meat is very delicious and works to add blood, provide iron. Probably no one is familiar with this soup, many vegetables combine with bone or meat to create a sweet sweet taste and extremely attractive.

4. Beetroot juice

Researchers at Oxford Brookes University in the UK have discovered that a pure glass (1 shot) of beetroot, has a high total of antioxidants and polyphenols (polyphenols act as antioxidants that block activity of enzymes that cancer cells need.Oil antioxidants from beetroots are more easily absorbed (bioaccessible) than other vegetable juices.
