Eating cucumbers prepared in this way is even more precious than medicinal herbs, both strange and delicious, but the way to make them is extremely easy

Especially cucumber contains very little calories, after processing it only for 13 calories per 100 grams. In addition, they are a rich source of hydration because 95% of their cucumber is water. Consuming both of its shells will help the body receive a large amount of fiber.

Here are the great effects of cucumber juice on health that few people know.

Prevent cancer

In addition to antioxidants, cucumbers also have compounds called cucurbitacin and a group of nutrients called lignans, which play a major role in preventing cancer. A diet with cucumber supplements may help slow the progression of prostate cancer.


The main cause of high blood pressure is having too much salt in your diet and too little potassium. Excess salt causes your body to retain water, increasing your blood pressure. But in cucumbers that contain a lot of potassium, potassium will be an electrolyte that helps regulate the amount of salt the kidneys want to keep, reducing and regulating blood pressure.

Strengthen bone health

Cucumbers are high in vitamin K and can give you 19% of the daily vitamin requirement. Vitamin K is needed to form proteins that make bones and tissue healthy.

Improve brain health

Flavonol ingredients in cucumber water have anti-inflammatory ability to help improve brain memory. It keeps your brain healthy and younger. Some studies show that regular use of cucumber juice helps Alzheimer's patients maintain cognitive functions.

How to make cucumber juice:


- 2 sliced ​​cucumbers

- 8 cups of water

- Spoons of salt


- In a large jar, add sliced ​​cucumbers and salt.

- Pour water and stir gently. Cool overnight.

- Store in the refrigerator.

- Drink within 3 days.

- To add flavor to cucumber juice, you can add lemon, orange, pineapple, mint or basil leaves.
