Eating melon in this way is more complementary than drinking ginseng, everyone regretted the gut because they did not know earlier

Women too much menstruation should eat fried melon with shrimp (whole shell). This dish is both a cure and a healthy, beautiful skin.

The melon fruit is cooked daily with a laxative and calming effect (it is due to the high content of the mucus contained in the fruit). Juicy fruits with pork legs or pork rolls are milk secretions and blood circulation; Luffa is used in traditional medicine with the name of the medicine as peanut, sweet taste, average, has the effect of hemostatic, flux, antispasmodic, measles, diuretic. Loofah stalks: Take from the ground up to 1 meter, chop small, burn properties, smooth spread, drink 10g each time with less alcohol to cure sinusitis, runny nose and smell bad.

Luffa leaves (used for bread flakes), harvested all year round, left fresh or dried. Medicinal taste bitter, sour, slightly cold, has a thermal effect, anti-inflammatory, reduce cough, detoxify, digestion .

Tendonitis, cure numbness: 1 handful of melon seeds, 2 rice balls, some big chicken feet (chicken). Cook porridge to eat. Use well for the elderly, children with weak legs and feet unsteadily.

Amazing healing effects of melon fruit

Support for treatment of hypertension

Freshly boiled 300g, apples 200g, lemon 50g, alum sugar just enough. Melon and apple peeled, washed, shredded, squeezed water, mixed with lemon juice and alum sugar, used as a beverage during the day. Each course of 10 days.

Milk, milk

Use 1 fresh melon fruit, 10g of salt, boil with 1 liter of water, give the pregnant woman a drink until the milk comes out a lot. Can cook melon with pork legs to eat with rice daily. Instant 5 days.

Cool off summer days

Loofah: 500g washed, chopped, squeezed into water (using the best press) and mixed with white sugar, used as a beverage during the day. Uses: heat bar radioactivity, inflammation, only thirst.

Cure sore throat

Flavored melon leaves are washed, crushed with a little salt, add water, and drink once.

Cure cough, prolonged asthma

15g flavored melon leaves cooked or prepared under liquid form 1/1, 0.5ml each time.

Cure high fever, headache

Luffa flowers 20g, green bean seeds 100g. Green beans are left to cover the shells, simmer and then take about 400ml of juice. Take out the green beans, put the sliced ​​melon flower in, and boil for 5-10 minutes. Let cool. Take out drinking water 2-3 times a day.
