Gaining weight is not easy as the sisters thought!

Most people think that new weight loss difficult rather than weight gain, then downright simple. But this is not true at all. I was a "living witness".[links]I'm tall but weighs 50 kilogam. You look so skinny is honest. Children suffering from critical people so much, it is not good to eat, make sure to keep the waist, be afraid of fat, would then all day eating like a cat that's how fat ... Honest, I also like to very fatty, but wonder why you eat on weight not nostalgic. Therefore I conclude: the weight is very easy thing is completely wrong. And in the end I had to "carry" the book of pen to ask the dietitian. Turns out the views of children ever toét are wrong. I'm sharing what I have just been "declared" with her sister.  

Most people think that new weight loss difficult rather than weight gain, then downright simple. But this is not true at all.

You don't think this simple. I also know, body weight is the critical thing with women, overweight too well the fear that too skinny nor want to. But to gain weight also requires a strict diet which includes appropriate foods and muscle-building exercises. If you are the people who are in need to gain weight, consult some of the tips below. In fact, basically, weight gain is the amount of calories into the body much more than the calories that the body burned. This is the procedure for women, weight them yourself. -Eat more to get more body weight

-Increase the number of meals 5-7 which consists of 4 main meals and 2-3 snacks in between the meals

-Don't skip any meal because it will make the calories into the body at least go

-The consultation of experts in nutrition and to choose the type of food can help siblings to gain weight in a natural way

-In case my sister is using food supplements to gain weight like protein weight gain for women, you should consult with your dietitian and doctor to make sure the ingredients are weight gain supplements are useful or not

-Please consult the teacher to select the physical fitness exercises useful help in building body muscle and weight gain that does not worry the bad FAT to accumulate in the body.

In fact, basically, weight gain is the amount of calories into the body much more than the calories that the body burned.

Some foods are considered useful in the rapid weight gain can be added to the diet include: -Banana and milk

-Eat mango or Mango Smoothie shakes to gain weight

-Eat milk and other dairy products including butter, cheese ...

-Avoid sugary and fatty foods in the diet because it will accumulate fat in the body rather than forming the muscle

-Dates, almonds, raisins, nuts, beans ... should be consumed regularly

-A diet to gain weight should be balanced. It needs lots of carbohydrates, protein and fat together with the other necessary vitamins and minerals.

A diet to gain weight should be balanced need lots of carbohydrates, protein and fat together with the other necessary vitamins and minerals.

The weight added by the protein weight gain for women and men is the same with the basic objective is to increase body weight but protein weight gain for women with the necessary vitamins such as vitamin B6, folic acid and iron. So, consult a nutritionist to choose the best one for yourself.

