Good afternoon sleep is good for the heart but not everyone knows how to sleep properly

What is the benefit of napping?

In addition to affecting heart health, in this study, scientists have also listed five other great benefits if you nap properly every day as follows:

- Increase cognitive performance.

- Enhance alertness.

- Improve memory.

- Help physically and mentally relax effectively.

- Reduce stress, fatigue.

How many minutes is the best nap?

Lunch for 15 minutes

According to Boldsky, when you sleep for only 15 minutes at noon, the brain boosts energy for learning, while helping to strengthen memory.

Lunch for 30 minutes

Your brain will boost your memory, increase your creativity if you take a nap for 30 minutes.

Lunch for 45 minutes

Lunch for about 45 minutes is very beneficial because it helps you remember more information. This positively affects the brain, making it easier to solve many long-standing problems.

Lunch for 60 minutes

Studies have shown that 60-minute siesta helps the brain effectively solve important problems during the day.

Lunch over 1 hour

When you sleep more than 1 hour, it is normal sleep. Now the brain will completely relax and put you in REM state (fast asleep). Dreams may appear in this moment. However, prolonged sleep can make you tired, tired after waking up.
