Increasing memory even leads to brain atrophy if you have not yet given up on these 6 bad habits

Wait for thirst to drink water

Do not let the body alert to need water to remember drinking water. Because prolonged dehydration will interfere with the blood flow to the brain. Meanwhile, brain cells are mainly water so you need to regularly supply enough water to your body.

Make yourself a habit of drinking 2 - 2.5 liters of water daily, avoiding a dry throat and remember to pour your drink!

Eat too much

Eating too much is one of the habits that are harmful to the brain because of arteriosclerosis, resulting in reduced intelligence and cardiovascular diseases.

Lazy thinking

You need to constantly think, write and discover new information to train your brain. Thinking can cause brain shrinkage.


Smoking causes brain shrinkage and can lead to Alzheimer's disease in the future.


Insomnia is very harmful to the brain, reducing performance and causing loss of consciousness. It also affects memory and causes human cognitive decline.

Lazy training

Physical activities have a significant effect on brain development. Conversely, if you are lazy and just sit still, they will gradually work less flexible and become smaller and smaller.
