Msg-frequently asked questions

MSG is a spice used in Vietnam and in the world. Around it, there are many frequently asked questions regarding computer security and how to use ...

Msg produced from the raw materials such as sugar cane, cassava ... through microbial fermentation method. The main component of MSG is a amino acid glutamate also exist common in natural foods.

MSG is used in many dishes daily

Many medical and health organizations in the world such as JECFA (the Committee of experts on food additives of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)), EC/SCF (Scientific Committee on food of the European Community), FDA (food and drug administration of the United States) ... have concluded that MSG is safe for both adults and children with no defined daily dose (amount of use depending on the preference and taste). In Vietnam, the Ministry of health placed MSG in the "list of additives to be used in food" since 2001.

MSG have influence?

In the human body exists "fence in the gut" and "the blood-brain barrier" is the mechanism for MSG or glutamate from the diet did not move into the brain. Glutamate used for the activity of the brain is brain cells themselves synthesized.

First, the "fence in the gut" can understand is the most amount of glutamate ingested will be absorbed by intestinal cells. Intestinal cells use glutamate as an energy source. Thus, almost no glutamate goes into the blood. Second, the structure "the blood-brain barrier" also preventing glutamate from the blood goes to the brain.

As such, its use as a spice in food processing do not affect the brain and nerve activity.

Use MSG in food safety for both adults and young children

Can use MSG for small children?

In 1987, the JECFA organization

At the same time, the study also points out that in different development stages of the child as the fetal stage, the stage of feeding breast milk and the period from weaning onwards, the mother using MSG or MSG in the food supplement of the child do not affect the health of the child.

So, currently there is no recommended limited use of MSG for the children. However, to note the coordinating natural foods to provide the nutrients needed for small children rather than abuse of additives.

MSG has cause discomfort (fatigue, numb face hot ...) after eating?

In 1968, a scientist described a few symptoms appear after eating in Chinese restaurants such as numbness, shortness of breath, dizziness, palpitations. Scientists assume the cause can be one of the spices are widely used in Chinese dishes like the wine, soy sauce, salt or Msg.

Regarding MSG, in 1987, based on the results of studies, JECFA has officially declared that MSG is not the cause of this syndrome. This conclusion is also confirmed by many studies then.

As such, MSG is not the cause of unpleasant symptoms such as numbness, dizziness ... that some people may experience after eating the dishes as noodle soup ... Does not eliminate the cause of a number of people have hypersensitivity to address large amounts of MSG used in street cuisine (though only transient response and not serious, in this case, can reduce the amount of use) or due to psychological factors in users after hearing many good information about Msg.

Just so the wedge when finished cooking the dish prepared?

In conventional cooking, processing forms with different dishes such as boiled, soup, soups, FRY, FRY ... heat, Cook will be different. Usually, this temperature range 130-190° C and usually do not exceed 250° c.

In approximately the temperature of cooking this, MSG has been proven not to be transformed into the components are not good for health.

As such, in principle can wedge Msg to any time when cooking. This time depends on the dishes and culinary experiences of the homemaker.

Dr. Nair Thu Late

The Dean of nutrition-Paediatric hospital 2=
