Nails appear this sign is a health problem, you should go to check early

Nails with black stripes

When you see vertical black stripes on your nails, you should go to the doctor to find ways to neutralize melanoma to ensure your health. In addition, you can add some nutritious foods that add nutrients to the body like vegetables .

Nails with horizontal white stripes

When your nails have horizontal stripes on your nails, this could be a sign that your body is deficient in zinc or protein. Therefore, during the nail development stage, then it will be interrupted because there is not enough amount of nutrients or blood needed to nourish the nails, causing white nails to appear.

In addition, when your nails show signs of this, you may also have kidney or liver disease, so you should check early for timely treatment.

Nails are more likely to break

When your nails are often brittle, it means that you are deficient. You should take more vitamin C, vitamin H or vitamin B7, which is a water-soluble B vitamin, has many important roles in the body, helps nourish the skin, beautiful hair, nails, strong nails and reduce Must have a broken nail.

Brittle nails you are having health problems

Nails are semicircular

At a glance, you can see anyone with a small semicircle in the nail. But when you see large semicircles on your nails, it's that you have some liver problem. You need to have a health examination to make adjustments in time .
