Need to be careful when eating pineapple

Depending on which local called pineapple or pineapple, pineapple ... the scientific name is Annanascomosus (L) merr (ananas sativus schult F), are cultivated all over the place in tropical countries, is native of Paraguay and southern Brazil. In our country the pineapple was grown in every region in the country, distributed from Phu Tho to Kien Giang Province. Tien Giang is the pineapple production has topped the country.

A pineapple is actually the axis of flowers and succulent bracts together again. Longer indeed as the "pineapple eyes". Pineapples have much water, sour tinge sweet taste so delicious, special aroma, is one of the fresh fruit are popular. Oriental medicine sort of pineapple sweetness in the chat, computer, have the effect of hot beverages, digesting, stop. Pineapple glaze helps the stomach degradation, making food easier to digest. After eating more meat, fat, eating pineapple is very beneficial. In addition, sugar, salt and yeast in the pineapple is also diuretic effect, relieve inflammation of the kidney, high blood pressure, edema thũng. For bronchitis, cough, it also has a therapeutic effect.

There were studies that showed enzyme contained in pineapples have the ability to cure heart disease due to can melt hematoma leads to heart attacks. There are reports of 140 patients with heart disease are treated with this method, only 2% of people suffer death by heart failure, compared with previously used this method, there are up to 20% of deaths. In the book in Vietnam have guided people with hypertension should eat pineapple daily to diuretic.

Every day drink a cup of pineapple juice or 1/2 ripe pineapples can replace is anti drugs (warfarin coumarin, ...) which are substances often cause many side effects of bleeding (thus avoiding the use of pineapple for those with the hemorrhagic disease).

If not use pineapple scientifically reasonable and proper, necessary daily intake, pineapple will also be dangerous foods for your health.

Stomach diseases

Should not eat fresh pineapple at hungry, because the organic acid of pineapple and bromelin strong impact into the lining of the stomach, intestine, easily cause hangover, uncomfortable. Besides, if eaten too much pineapple within a day of the organic acids and some enzymes have the effect of making the target protein, does not benefit the DAA stomach. At the same time, causing inflammation of the stomach mucosa ulcer.

Food poisoning

In fact, there are people who eat pineapple met complications, even death. After eating pineapple 30-60 minutes, they find offensive, fatigue, itching all over people, scratching skin scratches bleeding still itching, urticaria. About digestion, these are the symptoms of food poisoning: intense abdominal pain, vomiting, shit flows. About respiratory, circulatory, can have small fast vessels, shortness of breath, blood pressure down.

If mild poisoning, about 3 hours later, the victim will out. If severe difficulty breathing, victims, heart failure, coma and death. Thus, among the people, who we also for a victim to eat pineapple have venoms spray. In fact, the culprit is a type of highly toxic mushrooms. Fungi typically have moisture on the ground, thrive in the summer, pineapple season coincide with nine. The pineapple grows in the ground, harvesting is done also to the ground, pineapple pineapple eyes, shaggy made into these cavity is good for mushrooms. On the other hand, the room of pineapple with moisture, high sugar content and acid pH, are the favorable conditions for the development of poisonous mushrooms. If crushed pineapples, cell permeable, translation will develop fungus, penetrate deep into the conditional in a pineapple, toxic for people to eat.

To prevent accidents on, need to select fresh raw and fresh pineapple. Do not eat pineapple press, trim pineapple, cut the crust off to deep for most of the eye, then rubbing over the less salt and then rinse out the new food.

Burning tongue

Besides, if eating pineapple too much, we will lose appetite, oral mucosa irritation leads to the burning tongue, gums.


Amino radicals in pineapple is a nitrogen-containing organic matter, it makes the blood vessels to narrow and blood pressure to rise. So if eating pineapple you will definitely feel a headache.


Substances cardiac glycosides in pineapple has given stimulus to the cheeks and palate caused the itching.

Pineapple works against blood fibrin decomposition should have recommended materials: those with diseases of bleeding or risk of bleeding (or nosebleed, fever, wounds, blood-runway women big ...) should not eat pineapple.

Do the fetus is weak

Women who are pregnant, nursing mothers do not eat fresh pineapple too dosage (2 slices 30 g) ripe pineapple or move (20 g). Pepin substances contained in pineapple juice is the knife blade. If the treatment is acute throat, larynx tissue regeneration, lower estrogen switches milk, decreased magnesium makes the fetus.=
