Of the following 5 groups of people need to be completely away from honey, but don't be foolish to eat


Pregnant women absolutely cannot use honey. Because honey stimulates the uterus to contract, affecting the normal development of the fetus.

People with diabetes

As we all know, basically diabetes (diabetes mellitus) belongs to a group of metabolic disorders called cabohydrates, proteins, and fats that make high blood sugar levels destroy the blood vessels that nourish the internal organs. Such as: cardiovascular, kidney, eye, nerves leading to complications such as kidney failure, blindness, limb necrosis, . Therefore, should limit the intake of food containing high blood sugar index . Honey is among them.

In 100g of molasses on carbohydrate: about 35g, 40g of fructose, about 2 g of sucrose and about 1 g of dextrin.Glucose and fructose are simple sugars that can be absorbed directly into the blood. While sucrose and dextrin after hydrolysis can be absorbed into the intestine easily without digestion. Therefore, people with diabetes who absolutely do not use honey increase blood sugar levels.

Children under 1 year old

Nutritious honey. So many mothers want to adjust their taste and want to add honey to increase their nutritional value. In addition, because it is very good for the throat, the old tools often give children honey to treat and prevent cough for children.

However, experts point out that children under 1 year old should not drink honey. Honey in the process of preparation, transport, and easy to be contaminated with botulinum. Clostridium botulinum spores are still adaptable and can survive in temperatures of 100 degrees C.

The gastrointestinal function of newborns is weak, liver detoxification function is incomplete, especially infants under 6 months old, botulinum easily penetrates into the intestinal wall, combined with some substances that produce toxins, causing poisoning. Although babies have little chance of being infected by Clostridium botulinum bacteria, doctors still recommend: Before they are one year old, they should not be fed honey and products from this food.

People with cirrhosis

Cirrhosis is a chronic liver disease characterized by replacement of liver tissue with fibrous tissue, scarring and the formation of nodular nodules that lead to loss of liver function. Although hepatitis B patients are very suitable to drink honey, because the monosaccharide in honey can reduce the burden on the liver, but in cirrhotic patients do not drink honey wine, because it will aggravate the symptoms of this disease.

People with low blood pressure and low blood sugar

In honey contains a substance like Acetylcholine, which reduces blood pressure. People with low blood sugar levels drink honey because they are more likely to have complications, so 'cavalry' is used.

Taboo when using honey

1. Honey and rice

It sounds very difficult to understand because rice is inherently cool, we still eat every day. Honey is nutritious. But the truth is, honey eating with rice can make you have stomach pain.

2. Honey honey with fennel

Honey and fennel, if accidentally combined them in a certain dish will not be good, can cause liver damage, swelling or pinkeye.

3. Honey should not be mixed with boiled water

Honey can be taken with warm water very well for the body. But if honey mixed with boiled water is not good.

Honey has a rich content of enzymes, vitamins and minerals. If mixed with boiling water, it will not be able to maintain the natural color and taste, but also break down the nutritional composition of honey. The best water temperature to mix with honey is 35 degrees C.
