Public Service Initiative Gives Hope to Those Diagnosed with HIV

Public Service Initiative Aims to Give Hope to Those Recently Diagnosed with HIV

San FranciscoAugust 27. 2013—There are over two million people recently diagnosed with HIV worldwide. These are two million people who have felt frightened, anxious unsupported and completely unsure about what the future holds for them. Healthline has launched a new public service initiative with the goal of giving hope and advice to those who have been recently diagnosed with HIV. 'You've Got This' encourages people to upload a video of themselves letting those with HIV know they are not alone and that they've 'got this.' The videos will be posted on and shared with the Healthline HIV Awareness Facebook community.

In addition to providing hope, participants should know that Healthline will donate $10 for every video created to the Timothy Ray Brown Foundation (TRBF) of the World AIDS Institute. TRBF is the first and only organization in the 31-year history of AIDS created with the sole mission of finding a cure, its central tenant is HIV cure awareness, education and to secure cure funding and support cutting-edge therapies.

'Many people who are faced with a recent diagnosis of HIV feel completely alone,' said Director of Marketing, Tracy Rosecrans at Healthline. This initiative is meant to provide them with some hope and a feeling of community. They have a place to go to get some sound advice from those who are dealing with the disease themselves. The goal is to let them know that they can still live a full and healthy life and that they've got this.'

'We are proud to be a partner in You've Got This,' said Timothy Ray Brown co-founder of the Timothy Ray Brown Foundation of the World AIDS Institute. 'The initiative is very much in line with our mission of giving those diagnosed with HIV hope for the future.'

Submit a 'You've Got This' video and view videos from Jack Mackenroth, Olympian Ji Wallace, Paul Lekakis, Kevin Maloney from Rise Up To HIV, and activist Josh Robbins at

How to Make a 'You've Got This' Video:

  • In order to upload your video, the person must have or create a valid YouTube account.
  • Offer useful advice on living with HIV and let them know how you are managing it. Uplift them and give them hope.
  • Use the title 'You've Got This' and include your name and location (ex: 'You've Got This: Tracy from Michigan').
  • Tag your video. Use tags to describe your video so that other people can find it (ex: 'California HIV couple' or 'HIV non-profit').
  • Make sure the sound on your video is clear.
  • Make sure light is on your face and not behind you (i.e. don't sit in front of a bright window).
  • Include a caption script. If you can, submit a transcript of your video as a caption file on YouTube. This will help to make sure that your video is accessible to deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals, as well as those who use Google translate.

About Healthline

Healthline's mission is to improve health through information. They focus on offering readers and visitors objective, trustworthy, and accurate health information, guided by the principles of responsible journalism and publishing. Their editorial philosophy is to use relevant and accurate content to promote a healthy lifestyle and facilitate disease prevention, as well as to offer clinically significant, medically reviewed information for those who are seeking answers to their health questions. All original content is produced by highly skilled writers or experienced health professionals who are adept at researching a variety of topics and delivering concise, accurate, and engaging information in an easy-to-understand format. When applicable, articles are reviewed by a health professional—a doctor, nurse, dietician, nutritionist, etc.—to ensure the information is accurate. All articles are then reviewed and edited by a member of the Healthline Editorial Team before publication. The information presented on is not in any way meant to replace the doctor-patient relationship or the professional healthcare experience. Learn more at

About the Timothy Ray Brown Foundation of the World AIDS Institute

Timothy Ray Brown, the first to be cured of HIV, announced the establishment of The Timothy Ray Brown Foundation of the World AIDS Institute on July 24, 2012 during the 19th International AIDS (removed Society) Conference. As the first and only organization in the 31-year history of AIDS created with the sole mission of finding a cure, its central tenant is to secure funding and support cutting-edge therapies. Timothy Ray Brown is also Co-Founder of the World AIDS Institute with offices in Washington, DC and Las Vegas. Learn more at:
