Scrotox: Procedure, Cost, Recovery, Benefits, and Side Effects

Scrotox is exactly what it sounds like — injecting botulinum toxin (Botox) into your scrotum. The scrotum is the sac of skin that holds your testicles in place.

Scrotox was first used as a way to relieve scrotum pain if surgery didn't resolve the issue. Since about 2016, more and more people with penises are trying it out to (purportedly) make their sacs bigger and their sex better.

But is there any real evidence for to support this use of Botox in your scrotum? Let's see what the research says.

Claimed benefits

Scrotox started as a purely medical procedure used to relieve pain in the scrotum due to inflammation. Research shows that it's especially helpful for chronic (long-term) pain that doesn't go away with treatment on the spermatic cord or on swollen scrotum veins (varicocele).

Now, a whole host of new claims have been made about this procedure, including the following:

  • Wrinkles on your scrotum are less noticeable.
  • Your scrotum sweats less.
  • Your scrotum looks bigger or more filled out.
  • Your testicles hang more loosely or lower.
  • Sex is more pleasurable.
Does it work?

Many of these nonmedical claims are based on anecdotes, but a couple of the claims have some evidence in their favor.

A 2018 review of erectile dysfunction (ED) literature found that injecting Botox into the corpus cavernosa, the spongy tissue that fills up with blood to give you an erection, may be able to treat ED.

And another 2018 review of 'scrotal rejuvenation' techniques suggests that injecting Botox in the smooth muscles, especially the dartos muscle, of the scrotum may help reduce wrinkling. These muscles help the scrotum to expand and retract.

Cost and where to get it done

Scrotox costs a minimum of $500 per procedure. The cost will vary based on your provider, especially if they run a prestigious practice or they're an especially experienced doctor or surgeon.

Most insurance plans don't cover Scrotox for cosmetic purposes — only for chronic conditions that cause pain or other symptoms.

A growing number of licensed plastic surgeons are offering this procedure at their medical facilities, especially in plastic surgery hotspots like Beverly Hills and New York City.

Call a variety of licensed, reputable providers before you get Scrotox done to compare costs. Don't be afraid to visit a few offices for a consultation to make sure you're comfortable with the facility and with the provider who'll be performing the procedure.

How Scrotox is done

Scrotox is a pretty simple, straightforward procedure. Your doctor:

  1. applies some numbing cream or ointment to the scrotum
  2. examines your scrotum and marks the areas where the Botox can be safely injected
  3. gently inserts a needle into your scrotum and slowly injects Botox, repeating the injection several times for maximum coverage of the scrotum
  4. cleans up any areas that might be lightly bleeding

The entire procedure usually takes anywhere from two to four minutes.

What's recovery like?

Recovery from a Scrotox procedure is quick and relatively painless.

Scrotox is an outpatient procedure. You can go into the medical office, have it done, and often go home within minutes afterward. The whole process may take longer if there are any unusual side effects or complications (or if you just need to fill out paperwork).

There's no need to take a day off work or other activities — you can even get it done on your lunch break.

For a few hours afterward, you may need to refrain from lifting heavy objects or having sex. But in most cases, you can go back to your usual activities by the end of the day.

You may not see results right away. You'll probably start to notice any aesthetic changes within a few days to a week.

Side effects of Scrotox

Side effects of this procedure are minimal. Some documented symptoms after getting a Scrotox injection include:

  • mild to moderate scrotum pain
  • numbness
  • swelling
  • bruising around the injection site
  • feeling of tightness in your scrotum
  • lower sperm count (although this 2014 finding has only been demonstrated in lab rats)

There are also some documented side effects of Botox injected elsewhere into the body. Most of these are related to the classic facial Botox injection, but they're worth considering before getting Scrotox done long-term. These side effects are rare:

  • headaches
  • chills
  • fever
  • trouble speaking
  • trouble swallowing
  • trouble breathing
  • not being able to see properly
  • not being able to control your bladder
  • feeling weak or exhausted
How long does it last?

Scrotox results typically last about three to four months.

There's not much research on this outside of its use for medical purposes, but most anecdotes seem to agree on this number.

Scrotox as a medical treatment

Scrotox is a well-known treatment for chronic scrotal pain (CSP) or inflammation from conditions that affect your scrotum.

While you may need to pay out of pocket for a cosmetic Scrotox procedure, your health insurance plan may cover it for treatment of a chronic condition or injury that's causing you scrotum pain.

For pain, Scrotox has been found to be quite effective. A 2014 study on 18 men with CSP demonstrated that Scrotox injections reduced CSP for up to three months in nearly two-thirds of those who participated.

The takeaway

Scrotox can offer some useful medical benefits, but there isn't any proof that it'll make your sex life better.

If you're interested in having this done, it's a fairly safe procedure. But remember that Botox can have some side effects that may interfere with your sexual pleasure, such as numbness or pain.

And if you're looking for other ways to increase sexual pleasure, consider the following (no needles involved):

  • Get regular exercise.
  • Get to know your own (and your partner's!) body more.
  • Choose a fun, safe lube.
  • Try these 16 tips for ejaculating faster.
  • Relax with these five acupressure points.