Signs on the tongue of a dangerous disease

White tongue

The strange mark on this man's tongue turned out to be a rare form of cancer -5 White patches on the tongue when shaving without peeling could leave white there. Although normal is not dangerous, this may be a precursor to cancer. White tongue can also be caused by oral thrush.

White patches in the mouth can be lost when shaving to leave the surface bleeding. Oral fungus is most commonly seen in newborns, the elderly, wearers of poorly cleaned dentures, people with weakened immune systems, HIV, and diabetes, after long-term antibiotics are used.

Appears a strawberry red

When the tongue appears red strawberry, your body is not getting enough vitamin B12 or iron. If this sign appears long and pain occurs if you use hot drinks and spicy foods, then you must go to the doctor and review your daily diet.

There are black or brown patches

When the tongue appears black or brown plaque may be due to poor hygiene, smoking, drinking coffee or using black tea regularly.

When the tongue has this phenomenon in addition to cosmetic problems also makes the mouth smell bad. Therefore, give up the above habits and when brushing your teeth, you should clean your tongue.

The tongue is cracked, painful and bleeding

Candida oral disease is a common sign in people with diabetes due to unstable sugar levels in the body, abnormally high levels. In particular, if the immune system weakens, you will encounter the attack of yeast bacteria inside the mouth. At this time, they will create a different white coating on the tongue, accompanied by an unpleasant mouth odor.

Moreover, people with diabetes are more likely to get dry mouth because their bodies lose water quickly. This causes a serious increase in oral thrush and produces symptoms such as tongue cracking, burning pain, and bleeding. If you encounter this problem, you should see your doctor to get an accurate diagnosis of your current health condition.

The tongue has stain like the map image

When spots on the tongue appear like a map, the white edge of the tongue, the inside is darker than the normal tongue color and gradually spreads out, it is a warning sign that you are suffering from map inflammation. This is not a serious disease but the lesions on the tongue will change the shape, size and position over time, causing aesthetics when communicating with the opposite person.
