The 15-year-old boy is punctured with THICKNESS, the culprit is millions of FOOD people who still eat EVERY DAY

The 15-year-old boy had a puncture

Xiao Thong, 15 years old, is a junior high school student (Zhejiang, China). More than 1 year ago, Tieu Thong had symptoms of 'stomach pain', when it was painful. Every time the stomach aches, Xiao Thong imagines like a scarf twisted, but Xiao Thong tries to endure the pain, he insists on not going to the hospital for an examination.

In January and April of this year, when I was in school, the stomach ache appeared, Tieu Thong bought the same stomach medicine as before, to hope the pain was gone. However, this time the pain was getting worse and worse, the teachers at school had to take him to the Emergency Department of the Fourth Hospital of Zhejiang Medical University.

Dr. Tu Thanh Tai, Head of the Emergency Department of the Fourth Hospital, examined CT findings, in the abdominal cavity of Thong Thong had air balls. This is a special manifestation of perforation of the gastrointestinal tract, requiring prompt surgery. After hearing the news, Xiao Thong's parents were extremely shocked, they never thought that the usual pain in his son was so serious.


Doctor Tu Thanh Tai and the medical staff in the hospital had surgery to repair the gastric perforation. The doctor opened three small holes below 1cm in the belly of Pine, closed the holes and cleaned the leaked digestive juices, food residues and pus due to inflammation. After the surgery, Miniatures recover very quickly, the inflammation deteriorates rapidly, the scar after surgery is very dim. After eating according to the doctor's regimen, Thong's body recovered and was discharged.

Before leaving for Xiao Thong, his parents said that he was very regretful, because over the last time he was busy with his work, he was only responsible for taking out pocket money and neglecting his son's care every day. Tieu Thong's mother said: 'Even in the past year, Tieu Thong has hardly eaten at home, regularly eats instant noodles, spicy soup, all bought outside. I also knew I had a stomach ache, but we didn't think it was that serious. '

The upper abdomen part of Thong Thong's pain at no time, in fact, soon showed that he was very likely to have stomach ulcers, if he had early gastroscopy, early treatment, very likely to avoid stomach perforation. However, both his father and mother were not interested.

The food "great cavalry" harm the stomach, the Vietnamese eat daily

Vegetables are too high in fiber

Most foods, like fruits and vegetables, contain fiber that is good for the body, but some contain carbohydrates (carb) that cause indigestion if eaten more. Therefore, if you eat these foods regularly, you will likely have stomach problems.

Eat salty

Eating salty not only increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, but also causes gastritis, which can cause stomach cancer in the long run. Because salt is the 'culprit' that promotes the activity of HP bacteria (Helicobacter pylori) - the bacterium that causes gastric mucosal ulcers leading to cancer.

According to a study by D'Elia and colleagues, more than 270,000 people in 6 to 15 years show that people who eat a lot of salt have a 68% increased risk of stomach cancer compared to normal people.

The coffee

High acid coffee, can irritate the abdominal wall and cause abdominal pain. In addition, caffeine in coffee may also cause the stomach to produce excessive acid, which can cause ulcers and more severe pain.

Therefore, if you don't want your stomach to get worse, you should limit coffee. If you have cravings, you should only drink a little at the time you are full. Absolutely should not drink coffee on an empty stomach so the harm is not serious.


Garlic is one of the very good foods for cardiovascular health. However, if you are suffering from stomach pain, limiting garlic intake is the right thing to do. Because fructan contains garlic, a compound can cause stomach and intestinal problems, causing bloating and discomfort.

However, when the stomach is not painful, you can still enjoy some garlic if you like. In particular, eating cooked garlic will reduce much harm to your stomach.

Foods high in fat

Foods high in fat can cause irritation to the gastrointestinal tract, which can slow down digestion and move food in the stomach, thereby increasing constipation.

Conversely, it can also increase the ability of the gastrointestinal tract, cause or increase diarrhea symptoms.

When indigestion, avoid eating fatty foods such as nuts, meat and cheese.

Fried food

Like fat-rich foods, fried foods can also cause diarrhea and constipation. The reason is that many fried foods have low fiber content, this is not conducive to intestinal health.

Dairy products

Dairy-based products, such as milk containing lactose, are not suitable for people with lactose intolerance and those who cannot easily digest lactose, therefore, after eating it may be more susceptible to bloating. . Drinking too much lactose can cause or make diarrhea worse.

Spicy food

After eating spicy, there may be feelings of nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. If you have stomach problems, choose snacks, such as millet porridge, which is good for your stomach, avoiding spicy foods like chili and garlic, to not stimulate the digestive system and increase your condition. vomiting or diarrhea.

The dish is too sour

When the stomach is uncomfortable, you should eat less acidic foods such as tomatoes and citrus fruits (lemon, kumquat, orange and grapefruit), otherwise it will exacerbate symptoms such as pantothenic acid and heartburn.
