'The doctor' through the tongue

The phenomenon of the "hairy" tongue

Tongue health often have smooth and pink hairy appearance once showed had health problems. This is the reason the disease status of the papilla, the dermal papilla, thicken, creating images like the grass being poured down the theaters. Hairy tongue often also infected brown-black pigmentation due to the bacteria create hyperpigmentation triggers.

One of the signs of tongue fur is the appearance of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or signs of inflammation of the tongue itself. Mucous membrane-covered high on the tongue contains a lot of taste and the radio station Radio this taste have become inflamed.

People with gastritis, chronic bowel inflammation, colitis and constipation usually have a white tongue and sometimes the tongue longer swollen to more than usual. The incidence of stomach diseases are chronic low stomach acids, uxơ disease chronic stomach or duodenal ulcer, the blade also appears on the surface.

Sometimes fur on the tongue phenomenon appeared after a meal no enough in healthy people. It usually appears in the morning but then vanishes. If appear constantly, you should go see your doctor.

How to recognize the disease through the tongue

Right from the time of the people has received a lot of information through the tongue, especially on the surface of the tongue. Nowadays the science development, the experience on the diagnosis still exist and are constantly being perfected, each person can self examination for health through the tongue.

For example, liver and heart health reviews through the top surface of the tongue, the middle part of the tongue says about the health of the stomach and the base of the tongue is abdominal health and on the back of the tongue are related to liver and kidney health, some way get to know fast through the tongue:

-Healthy body: normal Tongue both in color and size, no fur, no turn pinkish color, color, moderate humidity and taste do not suffer eating disorders.

-Stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcer: the tongue has a white feather in the Middle, splitting along the sides of the tongue.

-Fever, diarrhoea, diabetes, anemia: a dry tongue Face with many small cracks.

-Indigestion and tongue swelling: there are signs like the teeth marks to bite on the tongue.

-Spleen Disease: Tongue red swollen on the left side.

-Gastrointestinal disorders: brown hair appeared on the tongue.

-Kidney disease: white Hairs along the sides and posterior part of the tongue.

-Oral: inflammatory disease appear white on the tongue.

-Inflammation of the gallbladder: a golden-brown Hairy tongue surface.

-Lung diseases: the white Hairs along the sides and at the front of the tongue.

-Scarlet fever disease: Tongue has a white and Red (dark Cherry).

-Cirrhosis of the liver: the tongue is red, smooth and shiny.

-Anemia and heart failure: pale colored Tongue.

-Liver and gallbladder Diseases: hairy Tongue yellow

-Intestinal disorders: flat Blades and form the red spot, the ball in the center of the tongue.

Measures to prevent diseases of the tongue

Regular oral hygiene, regular salt water gargle.

Not be liberty to use the drug if not knowing about drugs or not specified by your doctor or pharmacist.

Need full eating substances, vitamin tablets can be used every day.

If there are sores on long unusual tumors or not then have to go to a doctor immediately.

In summary, the majority of the diseases in the tongue are benign and just treat the symptoms. However there is still a certain percentage of people to trade in the tongue is the expression of a malignancy. Therefore, it is necessary to visit a specialist in ENT maxillo-facial or immediately if there are irregularities in the tongue.=
