The habit of proving that you are ADVERTISING CANCER in person, the most DANGER is the number 1

In addition to genetic factors, maintaining the following habits puts you at greater risk of facing cancer, so now limit and eliminate the following bad habits.

Regularly drink carbonated drinks

Drinking a cup of 237ml of carbonated drinks every day will cause the immune cells to age for 2 years. A study showed that drinking 300ml of carbonated water a day increases the risk of prostate cancer in men by 40%.

The research conducted by Swedish scientists, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, monitored the health of more than 8,000 men aged 45 - 73 over a 15-year period.

When the study began, all of these people were healthy and scientists learned about eating preferences. By the end of the period, they found that people who drank a lot of carbonated soft drinks were mostly diagnosed with prostate cancer. According to scientists, sugar in the drink is forced to release insulin, which nourishes tumors. Therefore, when thirsty, it is best to choose boiled or unsweetened tea.

Eat foods high in salt

Salt seems to be the most 'dangerous' spice. Salty eating can cause chronic damage to the stomach lining. Consuming excessive salt causes a high osmotic pressure environment, thereby damaging the stomach lining, long-term effects can lead to severe gastritis and spasms.

High salt foods contain a large amount of nitrate, which is converted into nitrite by bacteria in the stomach, then combined with amines in food to form ammonium nitrite, which is highly carcinogenic. Statistical research shows that people who consume excessive salt for a long time often have relatively high rates of stomach cancer and death.

Eating too hot

Many people have a habit of eating foods that are still hot. Actually, this habit is not good, because it is a major factor leading to the risk of esophageal cancer. If you eat too hot, it will damage the esophageal mucosa. When mucous cells in the oral cavity are damaged many times, it is easy to cause cancer. Overheating foods often enter the esophagus without chewing, which can cause burns, ulcers, and even esophageal bleeding. When the gastric mucosa burns and the digestive fluid in the stomach is constantly secreted, it is more prone to inflammation, ulcers, stomach pain .

The World Health Organization (WHO) finds evidence that hot drinks increase the risk of esophageal cancer, due to tissue damage at high temperatures that cause cells to be affected, leading to cancer. Scientists recommend that the safe temperature for drinks is below 65 degrees Celsius

Skip breakfast

Not eating breakfast can lead to low blood sugar, and this is very harmful to the brain if it happens often. The brain uses more energy than any other organ in the body and accounts for up to 20% of the total glucose available in the system every day.

Eat food to stay overnight regularly

Overnight foods often produce many toxic nitrites. When nitrite enters the stomach, it forms a nitrosamine compound. Nitrosamine levels that accumulate in the liver for too long can cause poisoning and lead to cancer. In particular, if food is stored in the refrigerator for too long, it may increase nitrite content. Then, when you heat up the food, it will only make the compound stick.

Therefore, it is best to cook enough food for the whole family, avoid excess cooking and fix the night meal right away to prevent the risk of cancer.


A lot of research has been done about the harmful effects of smoking, so this relationship is quite clear. Smoking clearly destroys cell membranes and neurological viability in areas of the brain that manage balance, coordination and motor skills. It also affects the cortex, where processes including language, memory and cognition occur.

Eat a lot of fat

Fat is essential for normal growth of the body. However, if eating large amounts can easily lead to the risk of colon, endometrial, prostate, and breast cancer. Therefore, you should pay attention to regulate eating, increase physical activity, control weight, reduce body fat accumulation.

Drink water

The fact that you do not drink enough water every day is one of the factors that contribute to the decline of brain tissue activity. Dehydration reduces the body's energy, affecting the mood that distracts you.

The brain is made up mostly of water, if the body does not get enough water daily, it will interrupt the function of the brain and affect the circulatory system, oxidation in brain cells.

Wake up too late, lose sleep

There is a fact that when insomnia, not getting enough sleep will cause physical and mental health to be reduced. The body does not have enough time to rest, so the function of the frontal lobe decreases and affects thinking and creativity. Insomnia and sleep deprivation also increase stress hormones, affecting your ability to judge and solve problems.

Use poor quality toilet paper

Many people are only interested in clothing and cosmetics but ignore the quality factor of toilet paper used daily. Scientists warn, poor quality toilet paper often uses fluorescence, talcum powder to whiten. In particular, recycled toilet paper is capable of containing E. coli bacteria, hepatitis B virus.
