The man exploded rectally because his friend stuffed this into the anus and a doctor's warning

The consequence of this 'rabies' is that the man has to remove the entire intestine, the wound due to the elevated air pressure inside the rectum has caused it to explode and other internal organs have problems.

Although the case of the man is quite special, this is not the first time a similar incident has occurred. Doctors at the hospital said they had also met two victims who were also seriously injured by pneumatic pumps.

A 24-year-old man went to the emergency department at the hospital with a medical record of 'anal injury due to pneumatic pumps'. The man said the pump was about 25cm away from his back and only popped for a moment but made him swollen, anal pain and blood in his stool. The doctor then had to remove part of the intestine of the male patient.

Another case is a 34-year-old male patient working at a gas pump hospital who was hospitalized with the same wound after being attacked by thieves.

Doctors also warn that airflow generated by an air compressor is at least 100 times higher than what is considered safe for endoscopy. Experts said: "It only takes one or two seconds to provide enough pressurized air can cause great damage."

"We encourage education about how to safely use such devices and devices because most of these cases are inadvertent and ignorant," Dr. Lovenish Bains wrote in his report. case.

Doctors warn the jobs that need to be protected more carefully:


Although teaching is considered to be a safe, professional job, teachers still face the risk of respiratory diseases. Not only is it affected by chalk dust but mold growth in old classrooms can trigger asthma attacks and make the disease worse. Professor Harber noted that he should regularly clean the classroom, open windows and doors to allow air to clear.


Dust from construction works increases the risk of lung cancer or mesothelioma, the condition in which the cancer appears on the lining of the chest or abdomen. Some spray paints can cause asthma if exposed a lot, according to MSN.

Experts recommend proper wearing a mask or protective gear when working at construction sites, avoiding smoking, including passive smoking.


In the US, about 8 to 12% of health workers are allergic to latex, a material that can cause severe asthma reactions. Even allergic to latex can cause people to quit their jobs, Professor Harber said.

'We should use gloves made from other ingredients and only use latex gloves when absolutely necessary. This will help reduce the risk of asthma for people working in the health sector, 'he added.


Cotton dust disease, also known as brown lung disease, is a common disease in textile workers, especially those who often come in contact with towels, socks, bed sheets, upholstery or clothing. .

Torn fabric creates a large amount of dust and can cause airway obstruction. Textile workers also need to avoid smoking, wear protective equipment such as masks and open doors at work, Professor Harber noted.


Common disinfectants can cause asthma and make the disease worse. Professor Harber recommends that cleaning people at the hospital, office building when starting cleaning should open the door open to allow air to enter. Priority should be given to the use of less harmful antiseptic products.
