The pairs of food abstained from eating together, the benefits of not only harming people

Banana and watermelon

Watermelon contains a sugar content of up to 15% and is rich in potassium. Bananas are also rich in potassium, concentrations of about 300-500 mg / 100g. Therefore, patients with kidney failure should not eat a combination of high-potassium fruit such as bananas and watermelons. High levels of potassium in the blood can cause cardiac arrhythmias.

In addition, do not eat bananas with milk, will make the abdomen heavy, not good for digestion.

Banana and guava

Nausea, headache, acidosis and deflection are some of the side effects of combining these two fruits.

Pink fruits and sweet potatoes

Starch in sweet potatoes stimulates the stomach to produce acid, the effect with tannin and pectin in persimmons will form stones in the stomach. For a long time, stones can cause stomach ulcers and hemorrhage.

Sour fruits (orange, tangerine) and cow's milk

Cow's milk is high in protein, of which cyanine accounts for 80%. Cow's milk mixed with or mixed with sour fruit makes the cyanine sticky, deposited, causing digestive disorders. The sour fruit juice is also acidic, altering the properties of cow's milk, causing indigestion.

Pineapple and milk

In pineapple, there are bromelain, a digestive enzyme that breaks down proteins in milk. Combining two types together can make you feel sick, stomachache, diarrhea and headaches. In particular, children should not be fed together.

Cucumbers with tomatoes

Tomatoes are rich in vitamin C, while cucumbers contain an enzyme that breaks down vitamin C, which, when combined, reduces the body's ability to absorb vitamin C.

Carrots and oranges

If you are suffering from digestive problems, absolutely not combining carrots and oranges will make this situation worse. You will have heartburn and even kidney problems if you eat these two fruits.

Carrots and beets

Carrots and radishes are both good for health but when eaten at the same time these two vegetables will reduce nutritional value. The reason is that the radish is rich in vitamin C, while carrots contain many enzymes that break down vitamin C.

In addition to beets, other vitamin C-rich fruits like oranges and chili should not be eaten with carrots. You will have heartburn and even kidney problems if you eat them together. Avoid drinking fruit or orange juice smoothies with carrots.

White radish and pears, apples, grapes

Copper ketones are found in pears, apples and grapes that react with the acid cianogen in the radish, causing people to suffer from hypothyroidism and goiter.

Papaya and lemon

When these two fruits combine to produce toxins that affect the hemoglobin in the blood, eating together for a long time increases the risk of anemia in young children.

Beans, sweet potatoes and spinach

Because they are foods that contain a lot of phytic acid. This acid will bind to calcium in the body to form salt. As a result, calcium is not absorbed into the baby's body, but even for health reasons, the baby's body will "expel" these new salt compounds in the form of waste. Therefore, if you already have shrimp, crabs or seafood, you should avoid beans, tofu, sweet potatoes and spinach, pumpkin.
