The secret 'love' makes my husband can't half-step away from you

The gentle emotional hold hands

Holding hands is how to enhance sexual desire extremely effective that not everyone know to perform.

This is exactly how do enhance libido extremely effective that not everyone know to perform. Very simple, grab hands, gently knit these fingers together can combine to add a light Kiss onto the neck of a surprise, at the hormone oxytocin would have the effect of boosting the intimacy and stimulates libido was released as body excitement , sexual response of the body increase to make the enemy just like to plunge into your love with your hottest way.

Tips love when "boy" monumental

Extended foreplay, use more oil for lubrication of the vagina help "reach out" more easily.

With the women on the side, instead of kneel "wrapped" partner, you try stretching your legs on the bed, the penetration will more snugly.

The secret "curtains"

"Curtains", can he love being left alone in a few minutes to enjoy the feeling. So, should respect this demand; avoid questions her husband's sense of Venezuela, when he can love you or will you have over old man he does not ...=
