Those times banned conceive everyone should know

Women preparing to become pregnant, should not conceive soon after stopping oral contraceptives.

Immediately after stopping birth control pills

Women preparing to become pregnant, should not conceive soon after stopping oral contraceptives. In the time of taking pills, the female body has hormone changes.

Within 3 months after stopping the drug, whether the concentration of the drug in the body can not produce the effect of contraceptives, but for thai still has the influence no good.

Women pregnancy preparation should put the plan to stop smoking for at least 3 months in advance, waiting for the drug completely wiped out the body, and then take a pregnancy. During this time can apply some other contraceptive.

The weather is too cold or too hot

East end, early spring is the best time for the two of you are planning to have children. This is about the time the sperm quantity, eastern standard of quality. At the same time, the health of women are also more stable at this time. Sun too cold very easy do you suffer respiratory diseases. Sun is too hot, eating, poor nutrient absorption are also absolutely not good for pregnancy.

After removing the IUD

IUD is object is placed in the uterus to prevent the fertilized egg from which achieve the aim of contraceptives. But, whether long or short ring set time, already is object, the IUD are more or less certain to affect the uterus, this has the disadvantage for the development of the embryo.

If get pregnant immediately after removing the ring, that's absolutely detrimental for both the mother and the fetus. So, each woman contraception by this measure, should remove the previous round 2-3 months, then new conception to steady the uterus lining and keep thai better.

After the premature birth or stillbirths

After the premature birth or death pregnancy, reproductive function and temporary menstrual cycle has yet to fully recover. Moreover, the uterus are vulnerable, particularly with women who have been surgically. The pregnancy immediately accidentally will "repeat" a history not as good as before.

After the x-rays

The amount of irradiation used in shooting Xquang although very little, but it also has the ability to affect the reproductive cells in the body, namely do chromosome mutation of the egg. So, at least 4 weeks after take Xquang, you should count to conceive.=
