Those using cucumber mistakes affect your health

Had cucumber to 96% water, contains ascorbic acid is a form of vitamin C and caffeic acids, fiber, attached so many kinds of minerals such as silica, zinc and magnesium.

According to Oriental medicine, cucumber cool, sweet, somewhat poisonous, to the Bhikkhu. Sound effects: heat, hydro, and detoxification. For the case of hot sauce, dry mouth, sore throat, swelling of thirst, edema.

Cucumbers have a lot of work for health:

If you are too busy, often forget to drink water, you may eat a cucumber instead. Had cucumber to 90% is water, it will return the amount of water you lose and make you feel cool, dry throat much more support.

Eat cucumbers will reduce the temperature when you suffer from fever, up cucumber skin will also cause irritation than help sunburns stains.

Cucumbers have great uses in removing toxins. It is also known as one of the useful foods to melt kidney.

Cucumbers have the most vitamins the body needs in one day as vitamins A, B, C ... It helps to strengthen the immune system, provide energy, giving you fresh young radiance. Juice from cucumber, spinach and carrots are also good for your skin because it contains high vitamin C intake.

The form using cucumber mistakes:

-Cucumber eat peanuts (peanuts)

Homemade mannequin cucumbers very popular for summer heat was. However few people know to eat cucumber along with very easily cause diarrhea, especially the cucumber mixed boiled peanuts or peanut roasting of gold.

Those who have stomach pain, hunger should not eat cucumbers causing more severe pain.

-Cucumber together celery or cucumbers and peppers

When eating cucumber with celery or bell peppers then these enzymes in cucumber will destroy vitamin C in vegetables. Although not harmful for the body, but will decrease the absorption of vitamin C in the body. Similarly, vegetables, bitter, green skull ... Pepper should not be eaten together with cucumber.

-Combine the cucumber and fungi

So many sisters preferred cucumber and mushroom dishes because it helps lose weight, detoxify, eliminate fat. However my sister Please note should not eat too much because would counterproductive.

-Do not use the cucumber if allergic to pollen or aspirin

If allergic to pollen or aspirin you should not use cucumbers because it can cause itchy feeling of discomfort where the throat.=
