Use mung beans in this way to clear all toxins from the body, clean kidney and liver

1. The benefits of green beans

Prevent cancer

Large amounts of amino acids in mung bean help limit the incidence of cancer. In addition, the antioxidant properties of mung beans are useful in protecting your body from DNA damage and harmful cell mutations.


Green beans have the ability to limit the onset of cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure. Legume extracts have been shown to reduce systolic blood pressure levels, while helping to reduce the narrowing of blood vessels causing hypertension.

Prevent cardiovascular disease

A study done on the effect of mung beans in improving cardiovascular health has confirmed that regular consumption of these nuts can reduce bad cholesterol levels, cause stroke and heart attack.

Adjust blood sugar

Green beans and other beans help control diabetes by adjusting blood sugar levels. This is a great finding about the benefits of mung bean because it is very difficult to find natural foods that regulate blood sugar levels.

Because diabetes must be monitored and managed continuously, adding green beans to the diet also contributes to treatment.

2. How much green beans should be eaten

According to nutrition experts, green beans are good for health but should not be eaten too often. Because, if you eat too much, you are more likely to have stomach pain, intestinal problems, abdominal distention .

+ For adults: Only eat 2-3 times / week, 1 cup or one bowl at a time.

+ For children: Depending on the location, normally children 2 - 3 years old should only eat a little green bean porridge. When I was 6 years old, I would eat like a normal person.

3. How to make green beans tea to poison

+ How to make green beans tea:

Step 1: Green beans to wash the whole shell, put in the pot with about 700ml.

Step 2: When the water boils, everyone should remove all the foam, leaving only the clear water, turning down the heat.

Step 3: Boil until green beans are sprouted, add sugar to stir, cook for another 10 minutes, then turn off the heat.

With green bean tea, people can eat hot or cool at will.
