Warning: Remember to stay away from the hot sun 6 this type of COOLING death to prevent you from getting up

Drink water in a hurry, hurry

Quick drinking, rushing for "thirsty" is a mistake most people make. This action will cause the blood to quickly dilute, heart beating strongly. Moreover, at this time, there is a lot of sweat, so drinking a lot of water quickly and quickly will increase sweating, increase the loss of electrolytes sodium and potassium, leading to hiccups and bloating. It's best to drink slowly, take small sips.

Let the fan blow straight into the face

As soon as I went from the hot sun, immediately turning on the fan directly to my body would make my body unable to adapt properly so it was cold and headache. In addition, when going to bed at night, turning on the fan directly to the person is also a harmful habit because in the middle of the night, the body temperature decreases, the temperature of the environment decreases, causing the loss of need by excretion, circulatory disorders, emotional , the risk of sudden death.

Sleep on the cold floor

Sleeping on the floor is really cool, but when the body is hot, sweating, sleeping on the floor will cause the body's pores to shrink, leading to a cold due to sweat not being released. OK. It is best to choose a cool place on the bed or spread the mattress / afternoon to the floor and lie down instead of lying down directly.

Adjust the air conditioner temperature too low

When I go out in the sun, many people often have a habit of turning on air conditioners at low temperatures. However, this makes it impossible for sweat to evaporate, but also to get back into the body, which can cause colds, heat shock, or even stroke.

So instead of lowering the heat, you should turn on the air conditioner at a temperature of only about 28 degrees so you don't get too much difference from the outside temperature. At the same time, you should also avoid going into the air-conditioned room many times because this is also easy to cause temperature difference and make the body unable to adapt.

Ice cream or cold food

A glass of ice cream or a bottle of ice can help you cool the heat right away. However, when you go to the sun, your body temperature will increase, sweating so you should immediately take care of cold things that can cause heat shock, leading to colds, sunstroke, sore throat and fever. This is a misguided habit of going to the sun on many vulnerable people without knowing it.

So, when you go back to the sun, it is best to sit down for about 15 - 30 minutes for less heat and then eat / drink cold food. If you are too thirsty, you can drink cooled boiled water or warm water to make it safer for your health.

Cold water bath immediately

Taking a bath, washing your face or throwing water on your face when you go to the sun can help you feel cool and comfortable right then. However, in fact, this is an extremely dangerous job for health. Because when you go outside in the sun, your body temperature is increasing so taking a bath immediately will cause your body temperature to change suddenly, thereby causing a stroke. At the same time when going to the sun, sweat will produce much, making pores expand. Right now, entering the bathroom and rinsing the cold water will cause the body to become cold and easily cause diseases such as headache, cold, fever .

Therefore, when you go back to the sun, you should sit and wait for your body to cool down gradually. After that, use a towel to wipe off the sweat on your body to gradually return to your body temperature and then take a shower. When bathing, flush the water up from your feet to get your body to get used to the water temperature at this time, but you should only bathe at a cool level, not too cold. Sequencing these steps will keep your health safe in the summer.
