Warning: The girl is deeply comatose because of the acne in the triangle area, the sisters are not subjective

Before that, Ms. Ke had a acne in the central region, she used her hands to squeeze acne. However, after that, Ms. Ke's lips became more and more red and swollen, the left side of the face was also swollen markedly, causing the upper eyelid to be edema and she started to have a high fever.

Ms. Ke was taken to the intensive care room for emergency care, her body temperature was up to 40 degrees C. 'The patient was in hypoxia, coma, breathing rate and heart rate were relatively fast, urination was not autonomy, a relatively dangerous situation, 'recalled Dr. Zhang Xiaowang of the ICU department.

"After the magnetic resonance imaging, chest CT scan and other related tests showed that her brain signal is erratic, 2-side lung inflammation, in the chest cavity contains a small amount of fluid. Patients after Acne inflamed acne and lead to sinus vein thrombosis due to infection in the dangerous triangular region - the area including the bridge of the nose and upper jaw '.

After the doctors performed anti-inflammatory, anti-clotting and other treatments, Ms. Ke was gradually awake, her body temperature returned to normal, the swelling on her face was gradually collapsed. down.

This has been explained by scientists that, on our faces, there is an extremely sensitive area called 'dead triangle'. However, many people do not really understand this area.

What is the "dead triangle" area?

The 'dangerous triangle' on our faces is a term that refers to the area from the bridge of the nose to the corners of the mouth, forming a triangle. In other words, the 'dead triangle' is the area including the bridge of the nose and the upper jaw.

This is the most oil-producing area on the face and also the main place of whiteheads, blackheads, pustules . - extremely uneasy "guests".

The danger of "dead triangle" on each person's face

According to Dr. Martin Spiller of a medical hospital in the US, the underlying cause of this danger is the 'sinus congestion' (Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis).

Specifically, the sinus cavity is a small area inside the skull, which contains a lot of nerves related to the movement and feel of the eyes and mouth. This area is surrounded by temporal bone and butterfly bone (a type of bone in the skull).

With 7 steps to make acne extremely safe below, women will quickly own clean and smooth skin

Step 1: Differentiate the type of acne that you can make

Before squeezing acne, you must determine what type of acne can be molded and which is not.

Acne types are mild, grow separately, are small in size and have dry, black pimples. This proves that acne is old and can be suppressed. However, with this type of acne you do not know how to safely squeeze it will also leave scars and dark on the face.

As for the types of acne, the pustules you notice are not squeezed because they will cause inflammation, scarring, darkening on the skin.

Step 2: Clean the skin

Before squeezing acne, you have to remove all makeup on your face and clean the acne skin with physiological saline. After that, gently remove the cotton wool with warm water, apply on the acne skin for 2 - 5 minutes to soften the skin.

Step 3: Steam your face

Facial steaming before squeezing pimples will help the pores expand; thereby making it easier for acne spots to escape outside without hurting the skin.

You need to prepare a bowl of hot water, you can add a few drops of lemongrass or lemon oil. Use a towel to cover your head for steaming your face for 5 minutes.

Step 4: Clean hands and tools to squeeze acne

This is an extremely important step before squeezing acne.

Often, many women do not care about the hand and hygienic acne suppressor device that has done the squeezing. This causes the skin after squeezing to become infected by bacteria.

Therefore, women must wash their hands and tools to clean the acne very clean with soap or detergent to protect the skin healthier.

Step 5: Acne acne spots

When the acne is on the nib, you must use a tool that has been sterilized, light up the acne to create a hole.

Note, so gently apply pimples to pimples so that the pus does not flow out and cause skin infections.

Step 6: Squeeze and squeeze acne

Use a cotton swab or a clean cotton ball to wrap your fingers to squeeze the acne. This will help protect the affected area from acne and inflammation.

First, squeeze the pimple continuously, then gently push the pimple out. Get "clean" acne swab.

If you encounter a difficult type of acne, you should not try to squeeze it because it will damage the skin tissue. Try squeezing on another occasion, when the acne is ripe.

Step 7: Tighten the pores

After squeezing acne, the skin will have many open wounds and dilated pores. At this point, you must tighten your pores to make sure that the skin surface is smooth and not darker after the acne is formed.

You can use special creams to treat acne directly on acne spots that have been molded to disinfect. Or use rose water to soak up makeup cotton, wipe onto the skin that has acne. More simply, you should use a cold stone to rub the area of ​​the newly acne skin.

The pores from there will be tightened more quickly and perfectly.
