Weight loss mistakes that my sister accidentally don't know

(Phunutoday)-you are find yourself truly "play"? You are want to lose weight fast? If so then you are not the only people to have "ideas" that in the beginning.

As Thanh Mai, her college friend. Thanh Mai is obsessed about his stature, by her modest height but weigh then not humility. Young, Srinivas tube too "fat", but from the day into the University, do not know due to "water land" to how vù vù weight gain, she's even been nicknamed as Mai lu.

Thanh Mai also find every way to lose weight. But after all these years, to see you, I still don't get what surprised you yourself ... remain so whether Mai was married and had two children. As tomorrow despite her very busy all day, which is the Agency, would be the home, two sons then inversely as "the devil" made her always yelling ... and is important for her to have done dieting, but don't understand why ... still fat.

Thanh Mai also find every way to lose weight. But after all these years, to see you, I still don't get what surprised you ... still.

Dieting, according to Thanh Mai said the fasting is to: light, dark and fasting occasionally have sometimes resist always all day, eat a lot of fruit, plenty of exercise as well as day day, drink plenty of tea and coffee, if the only eating starchy food and drink milk , eat the food and drink the diet pill weight loss ...

I hear that "against" too. As far as I know, the type of diet as you as I say will only bring about the opposite result? how do I help you lose weight. According to a survey of those who knew then turns out not only you I'm new confusion, most everyone has mistakes in trying to lose weight. And here are some of the common mistakes a lot of people.

-Food diets: Many thought, was the diet will not cause, such as carbonated drinks for dieters. However, most of the foods for dieters still has fat and much aspartame, prevent weight loss.

Dieting, according to Thanh Mai said the fasting is to: light, dark and fasting occasionally have sometimes resist always all day.

-Fasting morning: This notion completely wrong. Everybody knows that breakfast is the most important meal of the day because it provides the energy for the whole day activity of the body after a night of energy consumption. If not breakfast, your body will be very tired and need to eat more in later meals.

Nutritionists assert that, average people who don't eat breakfast during the day will eat more than 2.5 times compared to those eating breakfast.

-Fasting: Don't think fasting is dark then will lose weight faster. Because if you regularly go to dinner will lead to bad slow your metabolism and the body reacts by keeping more heat so you will not lose weight.

-Fasting all day: Similar to go for breakfast or dinner, fasting all day are not considered measures of weight, even it do harm to health, because of slow metabolic processes in the body, leading to lack of body heat will keep the heat. If the fasting days can lead to muscle atrophy.

If not breakfast, your body will be very tired and need to eat more in later meals.

-Eating too fast: Many sisters vin to reason is busy work, time is tight, so eat fast, for lunch at the Office. But you know, eating fast will make you not up feeling no because the brain not receiving signals from the stomach. So, fast food not only helps you lose weight but also make you prone to stomach pain and eat more than necessary.

-Eat too much starch: Not everyone with starch, there are those who eat starch is gaining weight despite eating small amounts. But it does not know its sensitive to carbs so for comfort food makes you can't lose weight as desired.

-Milk: Milk, cheese, butter is the substance when the body will be digested for longer than other substances. Therefore, you should not eat too many foods, avoid weight gain and absorption to the body.

-Drink plenty of tea and coffee during the day: If you drink more than 8 cups of tea and coffee during the day will create toxins in the body, prevents the loss of weight and not have the effect of weight loss as you thought.

-Exercise regardless of the weather or health: Health practice is good, but not every train exactly a machine, that is regardless of weather conditions and health. Such training does not result in weight loss, which may also make you more tired, especially during the day, bad weather or body you are tired. The most effective training is done regularly 3-4 times/week, not be removed.

Not everyone with starch, there are those who eat starch is gaining weight despite eating small amounts.

-Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables: don't think of green fruit and vegetables do not cause it. If eating sufficient quantities will be very good for the body but if eaten too much then even have the opposite effect. By, in fruits have more sugar, canned juice also has more lines ... So, best to eat fresh fruit and eat no more than 300 g of fruit per day.

-Weight loss Pills: Although the selling market is rife with synthetic pill slimming. But until now, no one can assert that they have real effects. The majority of drugs containing the active ingredient increases the metabolic process, song does not mean they have a slimming effect. There are many medications are also harmful to health.

There is also a cause of psychological feature can also cause you can't lose weight that almost the sisters not to look, that is the worry or stress. In modern life, worry and stress can often encounter in sisters. More worrying, then, more sister fucking strain is less likely to lose weight because it affects the digestive system and metabolism of the body. So, my sister should keep the mood fun better than try dieting without results.=
