What do men increasingly 'weak'

Physiological weak do to influence the life and wife.


You cannot be avoided completely but can reduce it by simple efforts. Your personal life, work pressure, research ... whatever the reason is, if you try breathing exercises or to stop work for at least half an hour, you can help reduce stress and build a shield against many diseases.

Dressed in tight

Fashion trends men's tight nowadays very ominous and it can cause adverse effects to the reproductive health of men. Science has proven that the pants pattern, material synthesis and high temperature can affect men's fertility. Therefore, please select the type of pants are not too tight, the material is cool to wear.

Skip exercise

Is certainly one of the health habits undermine the men. Did you know that daily exercise can create antibodies to fight the disease? You don't need to spend hours at the gym. Just walking or cycling can boost the immunity a lot.

Sex transition

Many men are weak or physiological impotence must be due to sexual relations. If sex transition will lead to feeling tired, direct influence to health and living of both men as well as women. Many of the men sexually insatiable also led to depleted sperm, reduce the concentration of hormones in the body, causing reproductive failure, erectile dysfunction, can even lead to infertility.=
