When should not drink milk everyday?

1. Those are gastric bypass surgery Most of the conventional milk have the presence of lactic acid bacilli. The lactic acid bacteria fermentation usually in in the side of the road. So when are gastric bypass surgery with the application of high-tech medical procedures to induce inhibition, anesthesia up. the abdominal organs will make exceptional activity in the intestine was weakened and exacerbated the bloating in the stomach. 

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Thus, while conducting the procedure of gastric bypass surgery, you should avoid drinking raw milk because it could deliver gas to cause flatulence. Instead, you should use the diet contains many tbsp as aqueous hemp or Lotus root starch would be better for your health at this time. 2. Those who are in coma due to cirrhosis

As if you are falling into a coma due to cirrhosis of the liver, you should not drink milk.
This was due to drinking milk at this point will maintain the ammonia level in the Moon and do the body. This makes your liver works more slowly and may even do the liver damage, aggravate coma.

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3. Those who suffer acute nephritis
Those who suffer from acute nephritis that drink milk everyday will also cause more ammonia for the body.
The reality, as soon as the body to consume the protein needed there in the milk, then the end result of the digestion process will create a vast diversity of ammonia compounds. A large amount of ammonia in many cases be excreted through the kidneys.

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strictly control the consumption of foods rich in protein such as milk to reduce the burden on the kidneys.
