Women alcoholics is increasing very strongly

(Phunutoday)-alcoholic mostly males aged 20-30, however the recent tendency to alcoholism in women also are rising.

Red alarm about victims get drunk in the young Yesterday the 23-6, at the workshop on fatty liver and alcoholic hepatitis by Sanofi Aventis held at Hanoi, Pham Thu HO, Deputy Chairman of gastrointestinal PH for or about 7-11% alcohol abuse city, 5% alcohol. In the mountains, this number is 7-17% 3% alcohol abuse, alcoholism.

Alcoholics are primarily males aged 20-30, however the recent tendency to alcoholism in women also are rising.

According to Ms. HO, excessive alcohol consumption is the third cause of death in America, so related to liver damage in both eyes and long, harm family relationships and society. The risk of cirrhosis increases when used on 30 g of alcohol per day and rising as high as 120 g/day of alcohol use (5.7% use 120 g/day region suffered cirrhosis).

This disease can cause a threshold lower if people who use alcohol are women, who already suffer genetic diseases, chronic liver inflammation.

At the workshop, Sanofi Aventis has introduced products Essentiale forte 300 mg, the product has the effect of preventing and slowing the progress of liver diseases.=
