3 familiar vegetables worth foul mouth God speed

3 familiar vegetables worth foul mouth God speed.


Dill is a herb used very popular in cooking. You can completely use this spice plants to remove unpleasant breath. Grab a spoon and slowly chewed. Then there's the antibacterial properties can stop smelling breath.

Now chewing the seeds mixed with the seeds of the other flavors such as clove and cardamom after eating the food smells can also be of great help in controlling the unpleasant breath.


Parsley contains chlorophyll can really help control odors of the mouth. You can get fresh parsley leaves and dip it in vinegar. Let's chew the leaves thoroughly in a minute or two.

Or you can juice parsley and you can SIP this juices at any time you would like your breath becomes the cool. Parsley also helps in digestion as it reduces the produce intestinal gas.

Cilantro ship

The ship also called coriander ngò gai, seemingly as ship ngò will make people eat store "aroma". But on the contrary, it will help you treat "disease" is very effective.

You just grab a handful of cilantro, washed, ships with water, remove the special little extra real salt and use it to shut up and gargle daily. Only 5, 6 days later will be effective.=
