4 food familiar very effective hemorrhoids cure support

Please use these familiar foods in the meal to aid the treatment of hemorrhoids.

Green Papaya

Cure hemorrhoids with green papaya, cut a green papaya fruit is important to fresh papaya and many plastics. Then up to now go to sleep only I could double that papaya fruit tonic out forced over 2 half a papaya fruit on each side of the foot, the stem turned upwards. Just like that over night.

Result sung

Sung is an effect of curing many diseases such as certain cancers, gastric ulcers, gallstones and also very effective hemorrhoids cure. According to Oriental medicine, the fruit is sweet, calculated the average, on 2 Yin Thai Bhikkhu, Luoyang economic Sufficiency and Yangming colon.

Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes are very good for people who suffer from hemorrhoids. In Oriental medicine, sweet potatoes have calculated the average, sweetness, body tonic, useful gases, strengthening the kidney, events, goals, the inflammation can, taking advantage of the security, bright eyed.

Sweet potatoes have more categories, so choose a red sheath dress yellow bowel, to cure the white crust sweet potato picking apples white intestines.

Peel sweet potatoes have more vitamins and minerals that help protect the nutrients inside. Fiber of the sweet potato is the type of Pectin works to help digest the waste, increase cholesterol, good against constipation.

Green vegetables

Most types of green vegetables are rich in fiber such as fruits, vegetables, tofu, grains, vegetables, spinach basella jute, amaranth, spinach are cool, laxative to help ease digestion works stimulating the contractions of the stomach intestine and increase secretion of digestive juices, enhanced secretion of bile reduces cholesterol levels in the blood. Due to multiple fiber should almost the juices of vegetables has beneficial effects on defecation.=
