4 herbal folk medicines reduce pain, cough due to throat inflammation

Burning throat pain, painful swallowing, dry cough, persistent hoarseness, or coughing have phlegm, ... are the main symptoms of the disease pharyngitis. If no complications or infection just multiples of hygiene antiseptic throat nose frequently, taking pain relievers, cough, ...

4 herbal folk medicines reduce pain, cough due to sore throats.

Lemon Basil

20 g fresh lemon basil, washed, finely chopped; sugar 20 g. For two things in the bowl, water distillation, extraction of drinking water, taking words from. Oral sucking suck excess water. Every day do. Taking 3-5 days.

Hard pill for children can take some Lemon Basil leaves washed, pounding with a little sugar, rice into the pot for steaming drink 2-3 times a day.

The male papaya flowers

The male papaya flowers 15 g, sugar beet, barley leaf Lemon Basil can, radiation, each 10 g. All in a small bowl, add less salt, cleaning rice and then crushed. Day 2 – 3 times shut, swallowing the water gradually.


Honey- rose red as if giving diluted with water to cool, add a few grains of salt or less borax still gargles cure sore throats are very good.

Chew garlic

Garlic is very good herbal, have the effect of cure hoarseness and cough. If you are new, please bear for a garlic in the mouth and slowly chewed until you swallow. It will help you reduce throat pain significantly.=
