Contact between mother and daughter

1. Menopause

According to a recent study, the next decision 85% gene age of menopause. Normally the age of perimenopausal women between 39 and 51 and take about five years before losing the business altogether. It was at the turn of the menopause. As such, both will likely have the same age of menopause. Of course this was years of ignoring the impact of other factors such as smoking habits, stress and live in high areas can cause menopause comes sooner.

But you need to note is that the symptoms during the perimenopausal and menopausal mother's will may not look like themselves. In addition to factors such as weight, diet, exercise and stress ... can also affect the pre-menopause and menopause's daughter.

2. Migraine

If your mother gets migraines, the more likely her daughter will "inherit" the same disease. According to the research of Dr. nerve Kate Henry, New York University, published in the journal Nature Genetics, migraine disease from the genetic mother to 70-80% for girls. In addition, this disease is also common in women than in men.

However, signs from the mother can not "alert" level to affect my daughter because it depends on a variety of factors such as hormonal changes, anxiety, weight, exercise as well as to diet and nutrition. Some migraine sufferers when eating chocolate, nuts, cheese ... while others sensitive to light or perfume concentration anonymously.

3. Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease have strong genetic ability. If the mother suffers from arthritis, daughter of high disease risk more than 50%. Arthritis is one of the popular categories because the cartilage in bone head protection degenerated due to friction.

However, not all cases of arthritis are due to genetics. By if your mother always carrying heavy, trauma and stress can often lead to the risk of arthritis. In addition the maintenance diet, irregular activities such as smoking, eating a lot of red meat, high-caffeine energy consumption is also susceptible to osteoarthritis causes. To prevent and help Arthritis remission you need to exercise regularly. knowing the risk of arthritis, you should soon have the preventive measures as soon as possible.

4. Osteoporosis

Although the mechanism of absorption of calcium in each is different. Song if my mother has been diagnosed with osteoporosis, brittle bones, thin bones and bones or small, then the daughter should also pay attention to the health of your bones because bone structure was significantly influenced by Genetics, there is a significant correlation of the size, thickness, and bone density.

However, the degree of osteoporosis in the mother and daughter had no homology. By it is also dependent on many other factors such as environment, living habits, disease ... Drink a lot of alcohol, smoking, eating nutritional deficiency ... also can make bones weak. To strong bones, you should exercise regularly, keep the weight balance, replenish enough calcium, magnesium and vitamin ...

5. The risk of breast cancer

Genes just decide to have 5-10% risk of breast cancer is caused by genes. And if my mother had cancer of the breast, the risk will double in his daughter. Genetically, the genes BRCA1 or BRCA2 may increase the risk of breast cancer by up to 60%. Song, according to the lateststatistics, about 70% of women getting breast cancer don't have a loved one suffering from this disease. The main cause is the kind of everyday chemicals cause immune system weakened and susceptible to breast cancer.=
