Control blood sugar and prevent complications

The goal of treatment is to control the blood glucose level stable and as close as possible to safety to prevent or slow the appearance, reducing the intensity of the complications of diabetes. Patients themselves have particularly important roles, should learn about his illness, eating, mobility, both diabetes medication, right, take good care, blood glucose monitoring limbs regularly, said treating hypoglycemia.


What is diabetes?

A large part of the food are the digestive system processing variables into glucose and blood was seeping into the blood moving to the tissues, cells to convert into energy. Insulin because the pancreas secreted by cells is 1 hormones have a crucial role to help cells glucose.

In healthy people when the amount of insulin, insulin-sensitive cells, the amount of sugar glucose in the blood decreases, the body is full of fuel supply needed for life.

When the pancreas no longer produces insulin or produce through little or when cells sensitive to insulin decreases the amount of glucose are received in the remaining sugar and reduced cell in the blood increase causing diabetes.

When blood glucose is too high not to hold any more, the road will keep the urine out so called diabetes mellitus.

Lower your blood glucose level stable and safe. Preventing complications of diabetes.

Diabetes typ 1: For some reason that (genetic, infection, bacteria, virus ...) the pancreas does not produce insulin or produces very little quantities. The disease usually appears suddenly at the young man with the expression: increase hunger, thirsty, urinate more, lose weight fast, fatigue.

Typ 2 diabetes: The pancreas still produces insulin but not enough quantities or reduction cells sensitive to insulin, or both. The disease usually appears slowly in people over 40t, obesity, high blood pressure and influenced by genetics.

Diagnosis of subclinical

Typ 1: Hungry much, much thirst, diabetes mellitus and more, lose weight quickly combined with random blood sugar detection > 200mg/dl/dl blood sugar and 126mg > after starving through the night, many plasma cetone, in urine, or both.

Typ 2: Often over 40 years old, obesity, diabetes mellitus and more, many go hungry, thirsty night > 126mg/dl blood sugar disease, accompanied by high blood pressure, blood fat, atherosclerosis.

Acute complications

Blood glucose rise or lower levels too are causing dangerous levels of complications, may have to rescue.

Hypoglycemia: When the blood glucose lowering (using drugs overdose, eating, erratic fitness) will be shaky, sweaty, tired, hungry, heart palpitations, blurred vision, headaches, confusion, fainting. Should immediately eat, drink anything that contains sugar.

High blood sugar: By not taking enough drugs, eat too. ... will see unusual hunger thirst, many minor, minor night, dry skin, eyes, infection somewhere ... Should the correct dose of medication, eating in moderation and advocacy to physicians if blood glucose stays high.

Cetone Infection: Occur in people with diabetes typ 1 and singular typ 2 with serious illness: When almost lack insulin completely, creating energy metabolism of cells discharged the possible contamination of blood heavy acid-making, cetone losing water and minerals.

The patient has the fruity breath, vomiting, breathing deep, slow, confusion, coma, heart failure. If no emergency (water transfer and insulin) can be fatal.

Increase the pressure penetrates the blood (not cetone infection) occurs in diabetes typ 2 (with severe disease). Increased blood sugar increase blood osmosis, blood becomes dehydrated cells do. The risk disease reactivation tired, suspended dreams, confusion, coma. Need an emergency by insulin and water transmission to avoid death.

Long-term complications

High blood sugar for longer days will hurt the small blood vessels, promoting atherosclerosis, adversely affecting the nerve. Retinopathy: damage to the small blood vessels on the retina reduces vision, which can lead to blindness.

Diabetes also increases the possibility of cataracts. Renal: injury to the small blood vessels in the kidneys do the kidneys filter waste substances, no longer scum normally again, depress the function, renal failure.

Hypertension: renal injuries reduce the between the blood vessels causing hypertension. Atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease, accidents: atherosclerosis (due to diabetes increases blood fat clinging to the circuit) narrowing arteries, obstructing blood flow to nourish the heart muscle, the brain will cause disaster stroke, coronary disease, stroke.

Numbness, sores, gangrene limbs: sciatic nerve lesions and peripheral blood vessels, especially the feet, the hands interferes with blood flow to nourish the cause numbness, create favorable conditions for the development of infection causing sores, can hardly limb gangrene are cut. Diseases in the mouth, the teeth: dry mouth, prone to cavities, gingivitis, the hot feeling in the mouth, the tongue.

Treatment with medicines

The goal of treatment is to control the blood glucose level stable and as close as possible to safety to prevent or slow the appearance, reducing the intensity of the complications of diabetes.

Patients themselves have particularly important roles, sick people need to learn about their disease (disease nature, causes, symptoms, complications, treatment ...), eating, mobility, both diabetes medication, right, take good care, blood glucose monitoring limbs regularly, said treating hypoglycemia.

The diet is very important, just eat enough calories needed, made more packed. Lobbying do cells more sensitive to insulin, which helps the hypoglycemia. To pay attention to eating, mobility, the use of drugs to non-hypoglycemia

The treatment consists of oral and injection lines

Insulin injections daily. Can be of animal origin (from the pancreas of cows, pigs), sale of synthetic or synthesized by genetic technology. That kind of work fast, medium effects, long term effects and mixed-phase 2 fast and medium type.

Use as directed by a doctor. Oral medications: Group stimulates the pancreas to produce insulin by cells, hence hypoglycemia include sulfamide and glinide with different mechanisms; Group increases sensitivity to insulin in the cells, so the same amount of insulin will make more glucose absorption cells and lead to hypoglycemia.

Including biguanides, thiazolidinediones, benfluorex; The Group inhibited glucose absorption from the small intestine into blood sugar should reduce hypoglycemia include acarbose, miglitol, voglibose ... slow the metabolism of carbohydrates to glucose from which reduces blood sugar.

Treatment typ 2 diabetes: blood glucose at hungry > 200 mg/dl then must use the drug. Blood glucose greater than 126 at hungry, smaller than 200mg/dl. Make dieting and tight maneuvering. After 3 months if stable blood sugar (under 200mg/dl) then continue dieting. If the 200mg/dl then must use the drug.

Diabetic medicine Western medicine works fast, effective but there are many side effects: hypoglycemia, especially at night, upper respiratory tract infection, sinusitis, headache, muscles, liver dysfunction, jaundice, digestive disorders, anemia, fatigue.

Especially oily condition, the disease is increasingly severe, on many more doses must be used, the higher doses, and then despite diabetes typ 1 or 2 then ultimately still have to inject insulin so a session.

Insulin resistance can also suffer and many more patients are injected with a higher dose that maintains blood glucose levels safely to prevent diabetes complications.

Glycemic control, prevent chronic complications with herbs.

The majority of doctors not salty but with herbal medicines because their effects that are not visibly as medicines and they somewhat also.

Fact if only the local stock production according to Oriental medicine it is difficult that there was drug use. Because the same formula the same but the effects of the drug can be very different, depends mainly on the method of manufacture.

But there are also some herbal medicines have outstanding application performance, actually, in many cases healing take root, making Magic: the disease out completely, including many cases of persistent diseases difficult to cure, or medicines that bunch.

Often these drugs are manufactured according to the unique method of traditional reputation that reputation has been confirmed through many generations.

In support of diabetes treatment, herbal medicines as fast as no effect and could not completely replace the medicines in the first phase of treatment, but safe, less oily, hypoglycemia effects increases, helping to reduce the dose of Western medicine, many cases after a combination of herbal medicines and drugs can remove.

Not rarely the case after a period of using the North South drug, traditional esoteric patients dropped are both Western medicine and herbal medicine for a long time that glucose stays at a safe level. These cases though we hoped for but a single diabetes typ 2 can permanently cure (or in a long time) with the herbs.

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Lower your blood glucose level stable and safe. Preventing complications of diabetes.

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Drink 2 times day drink 3 tablets in combination with diet control reasonable.

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