Discover 10 great uses of green onions

1. Helps strong bones

12gm green onions contain 20 micrograms of vitamin K and 1.6 mg vitamin c. both types of this vitamin is essential for growth and maintain strong bones. In particular, women can avoid osteoporosis and broken bones by eating green onions regularly. Help regulate blood sugar

Green onions help the body reserves of allyl propyl and chromium. While the allyl propyl lowers blood sugar, chromium adjust to lower blood sugar insulin. Therefore, green onions are the best vegetables help regulate blood sugar levels.

2. Promote healthy hearts

Green onions is a heart-friendly food. Chromium and the presence of sulfur, vitamin B6 helps keep your heart healthy. Chromium not only reduces triglycerides and bad cholesterol but also increases good cholesterol in the body. So it will protect the heart and other cardiovascular diseases. Blood pressure is kept in check if you use green onions regularly due to the presence of potassium. With the benefits of green onions bring the heart it is also reduced the rate of stroke significantly.

3. Help regulate blood sugar

Green onions is a treasure of the allyl propyl and chromium. While the allyl propyl helps reduce blood sugar, chromium has the effect to adjust the amount of sugar and insulin levels lower in the blood.

That is also the reason for green onions was the best food that helps regulate blood sugar levels. And of course, it is also considered the food value for "friendly" with the diabetic patient.

4. Helps prevent cancer

When you consume green onions frequently, you also reduce the risk of some types of cancer. By the presence of Quercitin, Kaempferol, Quercitin in onion there may prevent the growth of cancer cells in the colon. Kaempferol in onion reduces the risks associated with ovarian cancer for at least 40%.

5. Help reduce inflammation

Green onions can reduce inflammation significantly for the body. This is because the leaves have the ability to block enzymes that cause inflammation in the body. Eat green onions are said to have anti-inflammatory benefits and antihistamine.

6. Help immune booster

Green onions are a rich source of phyto-it support for many immune system and remove the enzymes responsible for the creation of free radicals in the human body. Onion consumption in order to reduce the damage of the cell tissue, the DNA significantly.

7. Help strengthen eyesight

The lack of vitamin A can produce some type of vision disorders including chicken quáng disease. A stem onion contains 24 micrograms of vitamin A can be converted into retinol and preserve the health of your eyes.

8. Cure impotence

Has the ability to stimulate sexuality. Green onions contain a variety of vitamins help process the masculine hormone secretion takes place normally, thereby stimulating the libido. So, the man having the certificate of incapacity should eat more, at least 3 meals/week.

9. Toxic Waste through sweat glands

Green onions, spicy warmth, mainly used when the body chills, colds, fever, headache, stuffy nose. Diallyl sulfide-containing green onions, calcium oxalate. In addition, it also contains fats, carbohydrates, carotene, vitamins B, C and niacin, calcium, magnesium, iron and other elements. Green onions stimulates sweat glands more productive activities, thanks for that type of toxic waste. Onions are also good for the respiratory tract, cough, sore throat cure. Onions contain allicin, have an important role against bacteria, viruses, especially the bacteria infect the skin.

10. Fight against diabetes

More and more food, the glucose concentrations were detected in the mouth and the veins of the less. Many of the trials and the clinical evidence shows, instead of allylpropy substances that impact this effect and lower the amount of sugar in the blood by increasing the amount of in-sulin freedom available in the body. On the other hand, is also very rich in chromium, which helps cells compatible with insulin. The clinical study in patients with diabetes showed that chromium can decrease blood sugar, lower the insulin concentrations from which helps fight diabetes.

Therefore, green onions are a source of important nutrients and vitamins responsible for the healthy functioning of the eyes, heart and body in General.=
