Discover new uses of green tea

In many previous research results have proven to be the green tea has many adverse effects for human health protection as treatment risk, hit-and-run, Handbook, treat headaches caused by heat treatment, style goes on, long description, asthma, tuberculosis, hepatitis, jaundice, urinary inflammation obesity, abdominal pain menstruation , toothache, Burns, Dermatitis, skin sores, skin that sunburns, bee stings ..., but all the more special was the very strong virus resistance as well as resistance to bactericidal and Ecoli, prevention of breast cancer.

Recently, a study was conducted by the Research Institute and the American cancer prevention have discovered more in green tea contains an ingredient called polyphenols E likely to limit the growth of cancer tumors in the intestinal tract.

Experiments on mice showed that when drinking green tea regularly will extract out a component chemical resistant intestinal cancer for animals. The mice were divided into 2 groups:

Group 1: have a diet containing high fat content (a common diet of the Westerners) but contains no polyphenols substances E.

Group 2: in the diet contains substances polyphenols E; the amount of polyphenols in mice where the Group 2 this is absorbed is equivalent to 4 to 6 Cup of green tea per day.

Scientists have discovered the mice in the diet with high polyphenol E then thanks to the presence of this substance did significantly reduce the weight and size of the cancer tumors in the intestine of the mouse experiment in Group 2.

And the mouse experiment in Group 1 is the group that in our diets no polyphenols E, the phenomenon of the tumors do not shrink as the number of rats in Group 2. Compared with mice not absorbing polyphenols E and the mice are supplement polyphenols E in the diet daily has fallen 80% risk of developing cancerous tumors in the intestinal tract.

So in green tea has a new discovery with the ability to prevent and fight these tumors are cancer in the intestinal tract. From here open up new problems on the material in the prevention and therapy of cancer which particularly cancers occur in the intestinal tract.=
