Eat more garlic, men can suffer from infertility

As we all know, garlic is a natural foods has a wide spectrum antibiotic, contains about 2% allicin, have the effect of inhibiting especially with multiple pathogens such as Staphylococcus aureus, meningitis, pneumonia, diarrhea, ...

Eat garlic also has the effect of preventing colds and infectious diseases related to the intestinal tract is very efficient. But garlic back brings properties, so if eaten too much will cause damage to the sperm.

If eaten too much will cause damage to the sperm.

Medical science proves that eating too much garlic will lead to damage to the lining of the stomach, which we all know is where the stomach provides nutrients that feed the entire body. So once its function injury leads to appetite, tired body, shoot weight ... Even affects the kidneys, cause blood damage, anemia and eventually consumes "planets".

However the eyebrow whiskers we should not hence the keep away from food, because garlic can prevent cancer, digestive stimulant, ... just use in sufficient levels, it will be very helpful for the health of humans.

The doctor recommended, those that had stomach problems should not eat garlic, can use the garlic over the processing but each should only eat from one to two branches.=
