Green beans extremely effective gout treatment

Causes gout

Gout is a disease disorders of metabolism that involves increased production or decreased reject the substance of uric acid in the body. May said the direct cause cause gout is the deposition of salt sodium urate crystals range in the organs in the body, such as joints, in the heart, in the kidneys, ...

Gout is a disease disorders of metabolism that involves increased production or decreased reject the substance of uric acid in the body.

Treatment of gout with green beans

Green pea to raw shell, root for, not to add any spices, light sleep, wake up, eat a bowl of dark and eat the second Bowl.

The Fed instead of breakfast, dinner to eat before going to bed. Customize taste, can cook dry or crumbly. During this time, remember all the diets were the doctors advice such as alcohol, stimulants, visceral, and. The packed in on a normal diet.

Eating constantly so in 30 days is fine. One and a half metres of green beans to eat for two days, 30 days off to less than 2, 5 kg, negligible cost, mainly takes persistence and determination because the next meal on Tuesday is not to start!

Note in the treatment of gout

During curing gout with careful abstinence all the food, the drink was on the advice of a doctor.

Green beans help gout treatment effectiveness.

Green beans have the effect of making lower blood pressure. Therefore, those who are low blood pressure should note, in addition to diet, then eat the others in return for maintaining blood pressure. Because if the blood pressure is not stable then the disease will not out. Blood pressure is the blood gases. So, regardless of who the user also need to monitor blood pressure.

After a period of use should go visit again or visit again when abnormal signs to avoid complications later.

Measures to prevent gout

Do not drink alcohol, limiting drinking beer, do not drink tea, coffee and carbonated beverages. in a study, they found that in the group who drink about 1 liter of beer in one day rate was 2.5 times the folding team finalized the drink limit.

Eating and drinking in moderation, not go hungry, put packed, don't use irritants such as pepper, salt and pickling types. Minimize eating foods such as liver, heart, animal tongue, mushrooms, eggs, ice cream, cake has cream. Avoid eating fried fish, meat the dog meat, bone broths, fish soup; avoid eating certain types of vegetables such as beans, cauliflower, turnip, tomato types. Can eat the white meats such as chicken meat, rabbit meat.

Drink plenty of water (2-3 liters/day), the type of mineral water has a low mineral substance rate and alkaline waste have reduced the amount of excess uric acid in the body is also very good for gout patients (can drink 1-3 cups/day before meals 1 hour in the recurrence of the disease).

Milk and milk products such as yogurt; cucumber, watermelon ... is the food good for prevention and cure gout. Bread, eggs, fruits, vegetables (potatoes, squash, pumpkin, cabbage, onion, garlic ... except tomatoes) gout patients can use.

Adjust the weight on, practice the exercises work out strength both enhance public health, lose weight and regulate the metabolic process. However need a break in period of recurrence of the disease.=
