His healing back pain without using medication

His healing back pain without using medication.

Backache formed?

Maintaining a posture throughout the long period of those "papers", worked before computers is the primary cause of the fatigue of spine pain. By the whole body weight on the hips and pelvis section.

Sitting posture for long will hump, mai, lie on the table, the muscles were folded. This imbalance creates the feeling of discomfort and gradually becomes backache.

The solution?

Reduce stress

Work pressure is also one of the causes that make up tired syndrome and low back region pains due to muscle fatigue and strain. Reduce stress, you will reduce back pain.

No Hamster bed

Many patients believe that when back pain should lie on the bed but this is really not good. Lying in bed for long time will increase the pressure on the dorsal vertebrae. In fact, the back will become less flexible. So, get out of bed and living as normal if the pain isn't too serious.

Change the daily diet

In addition to exercise regularly, those who suffer from back pain should change daily diet to intensify the pain. This simple starting drinking at least 8 glasses of water each day. In addition combined with the food to cool the body and reduce inflammation, such as green leafy vegetables, beans, apples, avocado, bananas, ginger, parsley, sweet potato, potato.

Change the position of the legs

When the legs, when then drop on, rocking the leg ... meaning that helps the legs always move to blood circulation easy.


After each short time, be should leave the desk, just a few minutes also is helping the body active.

Balance on two legs

Nature of work requires you to stand more, please select a proper, comfortable shoes and always stand straight, balanced on both feet.=
