How to distinguish the measles rash with fever

About the causes of diseases

-Most typhus is caused by viral infections (70%-80%), in which groups of respiratory viruses always constitute the majority and most of them are benign virus.

-Measles is viral in just like their Paramyxoviridae morbillivirus. Measles is an acute viral infection status. According to experts from the Pasteur Institute in Ho Chi Minh City, the measles epidemic this time of strain virus first appeared in the South, are infiltrating from abroad about the measles virus strains and there are many in China, Malaysia, and toxic levels of transmission as old and strains occur primarily in children.

About signs of ill

Incubation period, period of onset of typhus and measles (average around 1 week) usually have quite the same expression through the symptoms of the condition "viral infection" as patients with fever (fever or high fever of 38 degrees -39), appearing tired, feeling đừ fraud because of high fever , older than headaches or fatigue the muscles, young anorexia, lazy feeding, some children can suffer vomiting or diarrhea. The distinction between typhus and measles is most pronounced on the whole stage play with the rash of measles.

-Normal: typhus after dropping febrile, young will be the rash, it is smooth and bright form Board, pink little wood onto the skin, floating boards simultaneously throughout the child's body and later flight doesn't leave traces on the skin.

-The rash caused by measles to the very characteristic: at first the Board appears in the back of the ears, then spread to the face, abdomen and chest out slowly. When the measles vanish as well losing the order has on the skin. Characteristics of measles is Pearly penile papules form Committee Board (Board of wood onto the skin), when the plane will leave the bruises on the skin very characteristic called "Zebra skin the Tiger".  Measles-infected children in particular often have a characteristic symptoms of the three comes it's symptoms are runny nose, cough or red eye markers.

Complications of measles and typhus

-Typhus group virus usually benign disease mostly. Children with fever hives if taken care of properly, logically, the disease will self off after 5-7 days without causing any complications for the child.

For pregnant women trapped typhus, especially during the first 3 months of pregnancy. 90% of pregnant women in the first 3 months of pregnancy will have babies born, freshness is not as good as: deafness, cataract, small eyes, glaucoma, congenital disabilities beginning small, encephalitis, brain membranes, mental retardation, livers, spleen to ... for those who are sick need to be quarantined for a week since the rash to avoid infecting the people exposure.

-Measles viral rashes can cause many complications for the child if the child not the disease is detected early and treated promptly, especially children who have weak resistance such as prematurity, malnutrition. Common complications in patients infected with measles is caused by the replication of the virus or bacteria infections caused by multiple ailments otitis, pneumonia, diarrhea, inflammation of the larynx, trachea, and bronchus inflammations of the brain. Everyone has not infected or was causing incomplete immunity are at risk of infection. Children infected objects is easy and can appear severe complications. Babies born from mothers have been previously measles will be passive immunity because the mother passed to within 6-9 months. Most of the deaths were caused by measles complications.

Preventive measures

-How to prevent typhus: vaccinations for children 3 vaccine Rubella, measles, mumps is applied: the nose 1 injections when young 12 months old; the second nose injected between the ages of 4-6 years. Women in the reproductive age, the injection of a single dose (only women get pregnant after vaccination is 3 months).

-How to prevent measles: prevention is a way for children to measles vaccination when it suffice for 9 months of age. And the second nose injection when the child is 18 months old to ensure adequate dosage, the concentration of antibodies that help children with measles virus immunity. The second nose injection can create immunity to 99%. The effect of the extra vaccine thộc greatly on the quality of the security interest.

Use a hand towel or cover the mouth when coughing, sneezing.

Wash hands before eating and before processing.

How to care for the child when suffering from measles

-Regular washing, wipe your mouth to the baby, changed the station, cushions, clothes to ensure hygiene for children. Wipe daily for people with clean towels, soft.

-Diet, diets are dirty, young, divorced for a child in the room is ventilated, light, avoid draughty.

-Should not eat food containing allergenic proteins such as diets used the type of seafood, perch, carp, Golden Flower fish, crab, lobster, shrimp, fish and shellfish, diếc nõn, clams, meat goats, dog meat, chicken, ducks, horses, donkeys, insects such as the pupae cocoons adaptor adaptor, stimulating vegetables such as peppers Nhan, the spicy aromatic spices such as anise, mustard powder ...

-in the stage measles illness, liquid food, easily digested and drink more fruit juices. Eat more spinach, carrot, beet, Apple, pear, peach ... will provide the energy for children, help children to quickly restore the health.

-When the child vulnerable to measles, dehydration caused by vomiting, diarrhea and urinating more, so need to be compensated for the water by drinking more water, about 6-8 cups of water per day to minimize dehydration of the body. Should not drink the juices, aerated.

-Small nose or eye medications for children with saline or nasal use eye drops to about 3-4 times/day

-If the child is not absolute, then complications not taking antibiotics should only use high doses of vitamin C, B1. If a child has a fever constantly complications should lower the heat as directed by your doctor and take children to prestigious hospitals to track and treat=
