Lack of sleep affected seriously to the health


Although you do not have the risk factors that cause stroke such as obesity or a family history of stroke song according to a study by 2012, the lack of sleep can make you increase your risk of stroke. Adults sleep less than 6 hours/day increase fourfold the risk of stroke.

Weight gain, obesity

The research has demonstrated that lack of sleep affects appetite and diet through the effects of hormones. If the body does not get enough rest, sex hormones related to appetite will increase markedly and a diet not controlled will easily lead to obesity.

To avoid insomnia condition, you should not drink wine in the evening, although the wine makes you sleepy, but it will make you wake up at night.


A study of five discovered the relationship between lack of sleep and insulin resistance-a risk factor causes diabetes. The study found participants sleeping less have higher risk of insulin resistance and led to increased incidence of diabetes.

Unsafe driving

Fatigue can cause accidents when in traffic. Why so? Driver drowsiness will slow response, awareness and reduce accidents. You should drink a glass of cherry juice a half hour before going to bed. This drink contains melatonin has been shown to be able to help people sleep more 39 minutes per night.

Stress worsens

Sleep under 6 hours a night causes genes regulate the tension broke down-according to a study in the February 2013 at the University of Surrey in Guidford, uk. That means, lack of sleep makes you feel anxious and tense. Trying to bed early will cause you to fall asleep more quickly. Five minutes of sitting meditation, deep breathing, sitting by a loose and close your eyes, then relax and move a little bit will make you comfortable and sleep.


You feel exhausted? You can get infected. "Scientists have studied on full rest and people who lack sleep and found that people not be sleeping from 7-8 hours produced fewer antibodies in response to drugs. This demonstrates your immune system is weak when you're tired, "Dr. Shives said.

If you do not have a night of sleep, stay away from anyone who coughs, sneezes and eat more of these foods contain many nutrients. Also, let mแป1 lamp hours before going to bed, it is a signal reminder with that body, has come the time to rest.

Not clearly

You may find that you will be awake and focused after a night of sleep? "It is due to the lack of sleep from adversely affecting the ability to learn and remember new information"-Dr. Janet Kennedy, a clinical psychologist and sleep expert in New York City said.

To remedy this situation, you should follow this advice 2 first, you should go to sleep at certain times every night and try to wake on certain time every morning, even on weekends. Second, spend at least a few minutes standing under the daylight. Two tips on helping your biological rhythms adjust in the right direction.

The upset

When you are tired, you can notice the change of emotion in a way that you could not temporary storage. If you suffer from chronic fatigue, you can have a more serious condition. "Research shows that at least 50% of people with depression who are having problems about sleep," Dr. Lisa Shives, a specialist in sleep medicine in Evanston and the medical professionals of asserted.

If you are feeling tired or unable to sleep, go to see a doctor or specialist psychiatrist for advice.


A study in 2010 demonstrated that lack of sleep increases the risk of cancer. Colon cancer, breast cancer can strike if you sleep less than 6 hours/day. So if you experience sleep problems, let's find a way to improve the situation in order to reduce the risk of this form of cancer.


In the long run, lack of sleep can also increase the risk of osteoporosis. According to a study by 2012, in bone mineral density significantly reduced in people who have poor sleep quality.

In addition to damage to the bones, lack of sleep also makes the body unable to recover from this injury before the age.

Indifference to life

People who suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome tend to be less interested in sex. "Scientists said that people who lack sleep are often prone to tensions. This led to the their relationship also affected and reduced libido "Dr. Shives said.

In addition, the lack of sleep will lead to changing status washing properties and easy angry at the woman. Once a week or once a month, take time to close and share with your husband.

Increased risk of early death

According to a study in 2010, who often lack of sleep increases the risk of premature mortality. Therefore, do not view lightly sleep quality to avoid perils to health itself.=
