Need to remove food immediately to avoid headaches


Eating bananas can cause headaches in people sensitive to tyramine.

Eating bananas can cause headaches in people sensitive to tyramine. Banana peels contain more tyramine than the inner bowels but it can still cause persistent headaches in those who are allergic to chemicals.

Alcoholic drinks

What kind of alcoholic beverages is not the direct cause of headache do. .. However, when drinking too much easy cause water loss and thus lead to headaches.

Old cheese

The old often eat more delicious cheese, but this food can do the headaches. Because when the old cheese, protein in cheese no longer and create a substance called tyramine, amino acid is an increase blood pressure and cause headaches. The more cheese, more high tyramine content of old.

Ice cream

When eating a lot of ice cream will cause no good effects the nervous system.

The cold food is usually not good for headaches. Therefore, when eating a lot of ice cream will cause no good effects the nervous system.


If you are allergic to cocoa, you will feel a headache when eating chocolate, though only eating less quantities. Phenylethylamine and theobromine are 2 ingredients in chocolate can dilate blood vessels, thus headaches will come right after eating chocolate.


MSG is a form of forage often increases the flavor to the dish. However, the use of too much easy cause headaches and stomach.


It's interesting, coffee can cause the opposite effect. This drink can treat headaches, is a major cause of headache. That depends on the amount consumed, if used too much will cause headaches.

Dried fruit

Some dried fruits can cause headaches as raisins, dry cloth ...

Dried fruit: some types of dried fruit such as raisins and fruit supplements can cause headaches. Therefore, you should be careful in the consumption of the food drying.=
