Only one galangal root, chronic stomach pain also HAPPENED after 3 days, old people and young children all need

Cure stomach pain

Galangal is an abundant source of sodium, iron, fiber, vitamins A, C and flavanoid . These nutrients play an important role in maintaining the body's health.

Galangal contains active ingredients that are anti-inflammatory, so it is useful in treating indigestion, which helps reduce discomfort caused by gastric ulcers.

The remedy is as follows: The mother prepares 20g of galangal root, sim bud 8g (sold at male pharmacies), 60g guava buds, all dried, powdered. Take 3 times a day after eating, each time 5g with boiling water to cool. Or tubers galangal 200g, cinnamon 120g, post-80g post-harvest, dried. Colors drink every 12g with 200ml of water, and 50ml drink in the day. Use for 2 - 4 days.

Cure abdominal pain due to cold

When the weather turns cold, the body does not adapt immediately, so the body's immune system is reduced, more susceptible to diseases, including cold-induced abdominal pain, aching back.

To relieve pain immediately, you can use galangal with the following way: Fresh galangal 1 root (about 50g) washed, sliced ​​thinly, golden star for aromatic, crushed, mixed with 1 cup small boiled water, Drink warm, small sips. If you find it difficult to drink, mix it with a little sugar or honey.

Relieve menstrual cramps

Stomach pain to your period may use sliced ​​galangal to chew and swallow water to help reduce abdominal pain symptoms.

Effective pain relief

Root galangal also works to relieve pain when body aches. The remedy is as follows: Using galangal star gold, soaking alcohol, massaging into the pain area to relieve pain, or using galangal tuber, mandarin bark, perilla seed powder mixed with boiling water to cool to reduce aches and pains abundance.

Cure black and white

Root galangal also helps treat skin diseases such as black fungus and tinea versicolor. People with tarry should use old galangal juice with alcohol applied to the wound very effectively.

Can use galangal root 100g, pounded, soaked with 200ml of alcohol or 70 degree alcohol. Extraction used gradually, when used, apply the above alcoholic solution to the lesion, apply 2-3 times a day.

Cure cough, sore throat


Use galangal slices thin, bring sour salt, when used can be sucked with a few salt particles or chewed slowly.

Cure joint pain

You can use medicine from galangal to massage into the pain due to falling, traumatic, swollen joints .

The remedy is as follows: Tuber root dries at 20g, millennia bales 16g, cinnamon 24g, calamus jelly 20g, ceiling package (stars)
