People really shouldn't eat coffee maker

Oriental medicine called coffee berries are false, or must move through. Also known as a folk coffee maker, coffee, coffee maker Cannon up the salt.

People really shouldn't eat coffee maker.

Cannon also called coffee coffee maker white flower spikes, the scientific name is Solanum torum. It is a small tree, shallow, lobed prickly. White flowers, white berries change yellow when ripe. The entire tree can be used as drugs.

There are toxins in tomato fruits life

In stems, leaves, flowers and fruit that contains a little Cannon coffee toxins. Coffee species would have bitter taste many news is poison.

Toxins in the coffee maker often known as the alkaloids. In addition, the cannon is still a toxic solanin. Fruit unripe coffee amount much higher than solanin ripen.

Solanin substance in the coffee maker is determined like poison in the green sprouts or green part in potatoes. Solanin very monopolize, even with very small concentrations.

Who should not use roasted salt

According to Oriental medicine, sustainability Cannon (even very South Korea), so using diets for people with damaged welding, vigilant when in collaboration with the South Korean food, so eating with the spices are moderates like: garlic, chillies, Lemongrass ... new pain up, weakness should not eat coffee maker, coffee maker should not eat to live.

When the body recently from the disease, or are sick (colds, diarrhea ...) eating, disease will worsen. Therefore, people who've just ill wake up, women pregnant and postpartum women to note when eaten roasted.

Women after birth if eating more salt will be detrimental Cannon coffee for milk. Both the mother and baby may be coughing, not blood gas, can cause fatigue.

Women eat more tomato Cannon also interfere with the activity of the uterus.

People with glaucoma do not use the coffee maker.

Fruit unripe coffee there much more solanin ripen. Clinical experience shows that eating roasted salt being aches, maybe sour salt reduce toxicity.=
